Dadvengers Sponsored Dad Walk (Arnos Grove Nigel)

by Dadvengers in London, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 24th September 2023 we successfully raised £1,480 with 51 supporters in 81 days

To raise money for Dadvengers to enable them to continue the great work they already do with dads and help them branch out to reach more.

 New stretch target

Hey folks,

As many of you know I set up Dadvengers back in 2020 with the aim of supporting dads on their parenting journey. Since then we have grown lots and now we have 2 Dad walk communities, one in London and one in Norwich. The aim is to continue to grow these and also add communities in new locations, but for this to happen we will need to raise funds. Firstly to manage the current locations and secondly to staff the new locations. 

That's why I'm asking you to support Dadvengers and sponsor me and my kids on our Adventures with Dad 3K. 

Or maybe you're a dad and you want to join our walk with your kids or host your own Adventures with Dad event and get sponsored too. If so, ping us an email and we'll help you get set up. ([email protected])

If you have attended a walk or followed our journey you'll know how beneficial what we do is to families and how empowering it is to the dads. The long term goal is to have Dad Walk groups all over the uk a bit like 'Park Run' but we'll need plenty of support before we get anywhere near that. Which is why I hope you'll be able to support us in any way you can.



Dadvengers | Founder

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