We're still collecting donations
On the 7th November 2023 we'd raised £18,555 with 256 supporters in 69 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
+ est. £4277.25
We recently successfully raised funds for the purchase of the East Church. We would still gratefully accept donations towards running costs.
by Cultarlann Inbhir Nis in Inverness, Highland Council, United Kingdom
On the 7th November 2023 we'd raised £18,555 with 256 supporters in 69 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Tha an t-àm air tighinn! The time has come!
Ged a tha sinn cho taingeil sa ghabhas son an t-airgead a thug sibh dhuinn gu ruige seo, tha sinn fhathast a' sireadh airgid son "running costs" son na sia miosan a tha romhainn. Mar sin bhiomaid glè thaingeil son tabhartas sam bith son ar cuideachadh leis na cosgaisean sin.
We recently successfully raised funds for the purchase of the East Church, Inverness. We are incredibly grateful for all the donations received towards the purchase of the building. We have chosen to leave this Crowdfunder open as we continue to raise funds for the initial setup and running costs. All donations are very gratefully received!
Read about the original project aims below:
We think the East Church is THE ideal place for Cultarlann Inbhir Nis and are delighted that we have secured the venue. It feels like our home: ar dachaigh.
In May 2022, a campaign began in earnest to create a modern, vibrant Gaelic Cultural Centre in Inverness. It would seek to raise initial funds for the purchase of a building in the city centre.
Despite not having a specific building in mind, the Crowdfunder and other donations raised almost £30,000. The generosity of donors showed us the strength of support out there to make this project happen. This money was ring-fenced in the “Togalach “ fund for the purchase of a building
Many many thanks to all those who contributed, thereby getting us started on our journey.
A' gluasad air adhart - Moving forward
The Cultarlann project received support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise in the form of an Options Appraisal which researched a range of buildings in the town. Its aim was to weigh up the pros and cons of each to ascertain the best option.
The recommendation was that the EAST CHURCH best suits our vision for a Gaelic centre.
Click here to see the sale listing of the East Church
Assistance from the Architectural Heritage Fund allowed us to contract an architect to carry out a Viability Study on the East Church. Together with ongoing backing from Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Enterprise Scotland we now have a clear and exciting vision of what can be realised in this beautiful building, a church with a long association with Gaelic since its foundation in 1798.
A-nis - And now
The EAST CHURCH in the centre of Inverness came on the market earlier in 2023. This new campaign aimed to raise an additional £30,000 to fully fund our contribution to the purchase plus £20,000 to help us with initial running costs. We received a generous contribution from the Highland Council's Common Good Fund, for which we were incredibly grateful.
This new campaign aimed to raise an additional £30,000 to fully fund our contribution to the purchase plus £20,000 to help us with initial running costs.
Muinntir na Gàidhlig, èistibh! So we are appealing to all Gaelic supporters!
Our aim is to create a community- owned gathering place for everyone with an interest in Gaelic language and culture - a place where we can connect, relax and celebrate Gaelic, in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
We want a living, breathing centre with the community at its core.
Gabh an cothrom! Now is your chance to make this happen!
Cultarlann Inbhir Nis will aim to provide:
We are almost there. Beag air bheag, gheibh sinn ann. We just need the remaining £50,000.
A' bheil Gàidhlig agaibh? Are you a Gaelic speaker, learner, supporter or part of the diaspora? Rally to our cry! Contribute as much or as little as you can afford.
If every person who has Gaelic in their family or in their hearts, donated then this ground-breaking Gaelic Cultural Centre becomes a reality.
Help us make it happen!
Nuair a tha sinn fosgailte - Cultarlann Inbhir Nis opens. . .
Once the Cultarlann opens, the top one hundred contributors’ names will be on permanent display.
We look forward to welcoming you to this unique Centre that you helped to create!
Donate now!
Cèud mìle taing.
A hundred thousand thanks!
Please take a look at our website and social media and share widely.
This project offered rewards