We opened a gym during the pandemic.
Really, we did.
It would be a great title for a Channel 4 documentary wouldn’t it?
But that’s our story in a nutshell.
Aptitude was born with little more than just a room, a few mats and a machine. We did classes outside… in the hail and snow, on zoom in your homes and eventually built our indoor training sessions with limited class sizes on opening - to keep everyone safe.
It taught us so much about the power of community. How people wanted to help and support our business, to get fit, to do classes, to enjoy spending time with others once again.
We had to do things differently and we still do. It’s only thanks to our community we have succeeded… and we’re growing and that means we’re now at a crossroads.
We want to offer more classes, more ways to enjoy fitness, and offer things that we simply couldn’t when we started.
So, we’re definitely moving.
Don’t worry, it’s just next door. To be able to move we need to do something different…
We are launching our Crowdfunder.
This is a unique way to raise the money to be able to make the move possible.
Come rain or shine we are moving and we are putting £200,000 of our own money into the build next door and we’re asking you to give us a little help to speed things up.
Our goal is to raise £30,000 with your help. We have lots of great rewards for every kind of donation and when we hit the amount we can build the gym that you have all been waiting for.
It’s going to be bigger, offer everything that we want to offer and be the place that community has built.
It’s going to have;
• Showers & Changing rooms
- A gym floor twice the size
- A kitchen for the Hideaway Café
- An additional 2 studios including a holistic studio & a spin studio
- More social space
- Space for therapists and local businesses.
In return for donations to the new gym - and it only gets released for the gym - you get rewards.
Starting from £25 going all the way up to £1000, you can donate once, twice or as many times or as much or as little as you would like.
You’ve heard our story and now, help become part of it.