Angus Robertson for Edinburgh Central

by Angus Robertson for Edinburgh Central in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Angus Robertson for Edinburgh Central
We did it
On 5th May 2021 we successfully raised £5,930 with 124 supporters in 69 days

Help elect Angus Robertson as SNP MSP for Edinburgh Central.

by Angus Robertson for Edinburgh Central in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Please help the SNP win this number one target seat from the Tories by: 

  • Donating to my crowdfunder
  • BACS transfer to Acc: 00210251, SC:  80-02-28,  Edinburgh SNP
  • Sending a cheque made out to Edinburgh Branch SNP (Central Constituency) to: 16 N St Andrew St, Edinburgh EH2 1HJ 

The SNP needs to win Edinburgh Central to secure a majority in the forthcoming Scottish Parliament elections, to re-elect Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister and secure an independence referendum.

With a slim 610 vote majority the Tories will do everything to hold on to Ruth Davidsons seat at Holyrood and deny the people of Scotland a democratic vote on independence. 

With your help we will have the resources to fight and win Edinburgh Central. 

Many thanks,

Angus Robertson

If you are kind enough to donate more than £50 to my campaign, your name and address will be checked against the electoral register to ensure that you are eligible to donate.

Your name, but not your address, will be made available by the council on request after the election. 

Donations must be from your own resources

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