AJ's Top Surgery + Celda's Wheelchair Prize Draw

by AJ Simpson in Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

AJ's Top Surgery + Celda's Wheelchair Prize Draw
We did it
On 19th July 2024 we successfully raised £14,945 with 909 supporters in 35 days

I'm running this prize draw to raise money for my top surgery and also for my partner Celda so she can use an attachment for her wheelchair.

by AJ Simpson in Aberdeen, Aberdeen City, United Kingdom

Individual prize draws are not promoted or endorsed by Crowdfunder. See Terms & Conditions

The Prize

At the end of the prize draw there will be three winners chosen to receive their very own blamp, handmade by AJ Simpson (with free shipping). These blamps usually sell for around £360. 

"Blamps" are Blob Lamps, a handmade functional pottery friend for your home. Each one is unique and they come in a variety of colours and sizes. The three blamps available in this prize draw are green, blue and yellow (as pictured). They are guaranteed to brighten up any room and bring a smile to your face. 

The Cause

AJ's Story

Hello! I'm AJ and I am a trans-non-binary ceramicist working in Aberdeen, Scotland. I came out as non-binary in 2020 and it has been a long yet very rewarding journey of self discovery over the last few years. 

I would love to get top surgery to be able to feel more at home in my own body. I have been on the NHS waiting list for top surgery for years - and could be waiting for many more years. So I decided this year to book in for a private surgery in Edinburgh this summer and I couldn't be more excited. 

I struggle daily with body dysphoria and if you have ever experienced it, you know how horrible it can be. I wear a chest binder every day for as long as I can but it is recommended not to wear it for more than 6 hours - so I have to plan my days out to avoid aches and pains. There are lots of things in my daily life that I struggle with because of my dysphoria such as; getting dressed, taking a shower, wearing pyjamas, exercising, leaving the house etc. Getting this surgery would make such a huge difference in my life, thank you for being here and for reading through this. 

Once I have had my top surgery I can't wait to;

- Swim and exercise freely without worrying about changing in and out of binders or having my breathing restricted.

- Get dressed in clothes that fit comfortably

- Use a public changing room

- Wear a t-shirt with no binder underneath!

- Not overheat as easily with all my layers of clothing

- Look in the mirror and see myself there :)

- Take a relaxing shower/bath

- Wear pyjamas comfortably without my binder 

Celda's Story 

In 2004 I was diagnosed with Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) at the age of 9. ADEM is a brief but intense attack of inflammation (swelling) in the brain and spinal cord. I have been left with mobility issues, so I have to use a wheelchair for long distances, a walking frame and have a walking stick for my balance. I have an abnormal gait which means I have flat feet and have to wear leg splints and/or insoles to help support me.

Chronic fatigue/ME, which means simple physical or mental activities, or combinations of activities, can leave me feeling completely exhausted. Lot of things in my day-to-day life are impacted by my side effects of ADEM. Some days are better than others, but I am so grateful to have such a supportive partner, mum, and family and friends.

I recently got a new wheelchair after almost 20 years of having the bog standard, unfitted model and it is already making a big difference in how I navigate day-to-day life. I can still only propel myself short distances (such as a small shop) and rough terrain is almost always impossible for me to navigate on my own. I find that my independence is often very limited due to my mobility and CF because I need someone to push me in my wheelchair. 

Recently I found some hope in the form of a motorised wheelchair attachment that would clip on to the front of my wheelchair and allow me to propel myself in my chair. This would open up a whole world of possibilities for me that I currently don't have access to. 

When I have this wheelchair attachment I would love to be able to:

- Go for a walk with AJ and our dog Leo

- Go out shopping by myself

- Explore the countryside on trails that I would never have been able to in my regular wheelchair

- Go to wheelchair sports events, maybe even join a wheelchair sports club

- Go to libraries, museums, shows or exhibitions on my own - or travelling alongside someone rather than being pushed in front

- Go on a picnic 

Entry options


1 Prize Draw Entry

1 entry


3 Prize Draw Entries

3 entries


10 Prize Draw Entries

10 entries

Postal entry

Send your details to:
AJ's Top Surgery + Celda's Wheelchair Prize Draw
Unit 4, Studio 4D
Deemouth Artist Studios,
South Esplanade East,
AB11 9PB

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