
by seandelahay in Uley

We did it
On 27th January 2014 we successfully raised £510 with 17 supporters in 35 days

To use my skill-set in Film-Making & Photography to aid regrowth and redevelopment of devastated ares in the Philippines.

by seandelahay in Uley

In March I will visit the Philippines to document devastation left behind from Novembers typhoon using Photography & Film.

In March 2014 I have made plans to visit area's of the Philippines. I will apply my skill-set in Film-Making & Photography to aid regrowth and redevelopment of devastated areas.

The work I produce will raise both money and awareness for the effected people, money is important for obvious reasons and all funds raised from the exhibition and print sales will go straight into the Philippines, Awareness is also important in the long run, showing us the hardship's faced by unprepared and under developed countries in order to resolve and begin again after such events.

Bogo City, San Remigio, Tacloban, Giporlos, these are some of the main areas I will cover during my month long stay, as I create this in depth visual documentary into the state of a devastated nation.

Money raised will go towards costs of the trip, flights, food, film etc. The desired amount will nowhere near cover my entire trip but I feel this is a decent amount to create a decent foundation. I will fund the rest myself or through private sponsors.

I have spent time working on films and photo documentaries all over the world however I do not under estimate the magnitude of this project and the complications that I will face. Sensitivity and humanitarian issues will undoubtedly arise but whilst working alongside a selection of charities and organisations to obtain the correct information I will keep up to date at all times with local situations.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

Limited edition, signed 6/4 print from final selection.

Estimated delivery: May 2014 
Ships within the UK only

£20 or more

£20 Reward

Limited edition, signed 10/8 print from final selection.

Estimated delivery: May 2014 
Ships within the UK only

£30 or more

£30 Reward

Limited edition, signed 12/10 print from final selection.

Estimated delivery: May 2014 
Ships within the UK only

£50 or more

£50 Reward

Limited edition, signed 15/12 print from final selection and recognition of sponsorship at final exhibition.

Estimated delivery: May 2014 
Ships within the UK only

£100 or more

£100 Reward

Original signed exhibition print 20

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