Afghan Children Emergency Response

by Refugee Education UK in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Afghan Children Emergency Response
We did it
On 31st October 2021 we successfully raised £49,357 ( + est. £3286.25 Gift Aid ) with 207 supporters in 74 days

Emergency response appeal to support Afghan children and young people as they arrive in the UK, and young Afghans who are already here.

by Refugee Education UK in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

In the event that we raise extra money we will use it where the need is greatest, to support the dozens of Afghan children and young people who we work with, as well as other young people who are fleeing conflict and persecution. 

Support Afghan child refugees at this crucial time

Refugee Education UK is responding urgently to the developing situation in Afghanistan. Over the years we have worked closely with more than 400 Afghan children and young people in the UK, as well as conducted research on the ground in Afghanistan. More than half of our senior management have worked in Afghanistan. As an organisation we are mobilising quickly and carefully to the respond to the needs of Afghan young people already here and those who will be arriving in the coming weeks and months.  

Please join our emergency efforts to support as many Afghan children and young people as we possibly can. 

Your donation will: 

1) Ensure that every child and young person arriving from Afghanistan is given information and resources to thrive in the UK

We are producing a welcome pack for newly-arrived young Afghans which explains in Pashto and Dari how they can access the education and wellbeing services they need to adjust to life here.

As the resettlement situation becomes clearer we will provide schools and colleges with bespoke training to understand the unique challenges that young Afghan refugees are facing. We are also looking to set up additional mentoring hubs around the country so that young Afghans can be matched with dedicated volunteer mentors to walk alongside them at this incredibly difficult time. 

2) Provide practical, emotional and psychosocial support to the dozens of Afghan children and young people we are currently working with and who we have supported in the past. 

They’re getting in touch in great distress and our trained support staff are doing everything they can to be with them at this time to help them navigate this challenging situation.

REUK has a long-standing and deep relationship with Afghan young people both in the UK and in Afghanistan. Please join us as we respond with love and determination to support them during this emergency. 

The photo above was taken by a staff member during an REUK research project in Kabul. 


Every donation made will be used on our emergency response where the need is greatest. 

£6 will fund a welcome pack in their language for Afghan children to understand education in the UK.

£20 will enable a young Afghan refugee to attend a session with one of REUK's specialist support workers.

£58 will pay for a teacher training session so that schools and colleges can better support refugee children and young people from Afghanistan.

£150 will match a newly-arrived Afghan young person with a volunteer mentor for weekly educational and wellbeing support.

 Thank you for your support. 


Since REUK set up 10 years ago we have worked with hundreds of young Afghans, many of whom have been deeply involved in who we are as an organisation. Beyond our programmes, Afghan young people have sat on and chaired our Youth Advisory Board, represented us at conferences and spoken passionately about our collective work. We feel their pain right now and are praying and doing everything we can to help them and their families. We also fear and pray for every young person returned to Afghanistan in the past few years. 

Now is not the time to ask them to comment on the situation or to explain to our supporters and friends what needs to happen next. Instead we encourage you to read the stories they have written in the past and to understand the journey they have been on so far.  

Meet Salma, who worked with REUK for years before joining our staff team. 

Meet Hamid, who also overcame huge barriers to graduate with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering. He was the chair of our Youth Advisory Board. 

Meet Diwa, who has made unbelievable progress at school and inspires us every day. 

Meet Tory, who arrived in the UK speaking no English but has thrived in education. 

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