Absorbed by the Beauty

by Britt Willoughby in Stroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Absorbed by the Beauty
We did it
On 2nd September 2024 we successfully raised £2,140 with 26 supporters in 56 days

Absorbed by the Beauty, a unique project which combines photographs of historic tulips with the craftsmanship of traditional book production

by Britt Willoughby in Stroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Over the past 4-5 years I have been collecting, growing and capturing Historic tuips, some of which date back to the 1650's.  The beauty of these tulips back then created a financial frenzy and were highly sought after and led to 'Tulipmania'. The ‘breaks’ in tulips, caused by the Tulip Breaking Virus, make each flower unique and photographing these fascinating tulips has become part of my Spring ritual  Every April & May I tirelessly capture my own grown tulips as well as others from breeders all around the country.  The exquisite markings, known as feathers and flames are unique to each tulip and appear painterly, lending themselves to being photographed as they grow and fade away.  

A collection of my work is being exhibited at Thyme in Gloucestershire (Absorbed by the Beauty) from 5th September 2024 through to 31st January 2025.  There will be a selection of Historic tulips and English Florists tulips which will be shown in black & white and colour. In addition to this there will be a small selection of Platinum prints, a process created in 1873 and therefore rather poignant with the history of some of these tulips.  

Alongside my exhibition I hope to produce a 200 limited-edition book collection, consisting of two volumes, one in black and white, the other in colour, both fitting into a slip case or box to treasure. Please consider helping me raise the funds needed to create this really special celebration of the tulip blooms I have come to know and love and that I am looking forward to sharing with you.

Volume I - Colour




Volume II - Black & White


They feature a small selection of debossed prints on luxurious weighted paper, meticulously letterpressed by Rooksmoor Press for an antique, handmade feel, celebrating local craftsmanship.

Rooksmoor Press is run by Katie Beard, who uses the rare Monotype system of typesetting techniques and casts hot metal type, which she then letterpress-prints using her vintage presses.

In an increasingly online world, Katie is immersed in the physical; the tactile nature of the lead type and paper, the smell of the ink, and the sounds of the vintage printing equipment.  She explores the dynamic between words and paper, how engineering and art work together, how patterns can be created and words come to life.

Metal typesetting is a thoughtful process where every character is considered. Words take on a physical nature which can be returned to and something new found within them each time.

This ambitious limited edition pays meticulous attention to the detail given to each stage of the process from the selection of the typeface to the quality and feel of the paper. 

We are so excited to be creating such a unique and intriquing treasure and really hope you will want to help us produce this rather extraordinary keepsake with a nod to history and craft.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£50 or more

2 of 30 claimed

£50 Signed Limited print which appears in the book

You will receive an A4 signed Limited edition print, This image will also appear in the book and will be sent to you by the end of September 2024

£25 or more

£25 or more - Signed A4 Print

Signed A4 Print You will receive a signed A4 print, printed onto Hahnemuele Photo Rag. The image will be one from the book and will be sent to you by the end of September 2024

£75 or more

3 of 20 claimed

£75 Limited, Letter-pressed & debossed Print

You will receive an A4 signed Limited edition print. Like the book the image will be debossed and the text will be letter-pressed. I will send this out to you at the end of September 2024.

£100 or more

14 of 20 claimed

£100 - The Book & invite to PV at Thyme

I will send you a copy of the final book Vol I & II and you will be invited to join me for the private view of my first solo exhibition at Thyme on 13th September.

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