Project aim
Following the recent theft of his beloved bicycle, his only means of transport, I want us to help get a lovely old man back on two wheels.
About the project
Mr Ni-San came to the UK in 1981, a refuge from the Vietnam war. He was a fisherman, carpenter, and farmer. A very humble man, but one with many talents.
In recent years, health problems have meant he is often confined to home, although he spends lots of his time in his garden and is very creative. He doesn’t like cars and has difficulty with walking and using public transport following treatment for a serious illness. Until recently, his bike was his only transport, which was no problem as cycling was one of the activities he greatly enjoyed. Sadly, on 1st July, Mr Ni-San’s beloved bicycle was stolen. Since that time, Mr Ni-San has been very restricted in getting out and about, and he has been greatly saddened at the loss of his bicycle.
As a friend of his daughter, I would like us to be able to fund a brand new bicycle for Mr Ni-San.....through the medium of song!
For a pledge of just £5 you will receive a nice warm fuzzy feeling.
For a pledge of just £10, you will receive a VIP ticket to see the world* famous Balham Ukulele Society perform a special one-off Restoring Faith in Humanity Ukulele Extravaganza concert on the afternoon of Sunday 23rd August to a select crowd of supporters.
There will be music.
There will be audience participation opportunities (entirely voluntary!).
There will be silly prizes.
There will be much fun.
Help restore an old man's merriment and mobilty. Pledge now!
Thank you for your support!
Annie Panda x
* SW12 segment thereof