Hot drinks in a warm space with Big Issue

by Big Issue Foundation in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Hot drinks in a warm space with Big Issue
We did it
On 27th March 2023 we successfully raised £15,733 ( + est. £1590.75 Gift Aid ) with 237 supporters in 28 days

Creating a warm and friendly place where Big Issue vendors can get the help they need whilst keeping warm.

by Big Issue Foundation in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

 donated match funding
Crowdfunder Cost of Living Emergency Fund is providing live match funding

 New stretch target

Great news! Crowdfunder Cost of Living Emergency Fund has made the decision to support our project and will be matching a fruther £1,000 in donations, taking our target to £12,000!

Who are we?

Big Issue Foundation reaches over 1,000 people and their families who are living in poverty each year. We provide a hand up to people so they can address whatever their needs are as soon as they arise. This ranges from:

  • Helping people to get a bank account I.D. 
  • Support to access healthcare
  • Understanding how to heat their home more efficiently
  • Finding somewhere to call home

We understand that “no one size fits all”, we are truly flexible and responsive, making sure a difference is made every time we talk to someone.


Every £ gets DOUBLED!

Every individual donation (up to £250) to this crowdfunder is matched by Co-op Warm Spaces. Just think: you give £10 and we get £20. What's not to like about that? Note: its limited to one donation per person so please donate as much as you can in one hit! 

And if you're one of those lucky people who doesn't need the government's energy rebate, why not donate the rebate.

The difference we make


“When I needed the most help, The Big Issue looked at every aspect of my to make it better. I will never forget the support I received from the Big Issue Foundation and it is good to know that when I need help, they will be there for me”. Elena, West Midlands

 “I have just been housed thanks to the Foundation and am now in the process of getting a job. My self-esteem and confidence have grown... and I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in now without your help and support and...the support of my customers.” Bill, London

Why are we crowdfunding?

This year we have seen a 50% increase in the number of people seeking support from Big Issue Foundation and as part of this seven fold increase in requests for support with home fuel payments alone.

We are helping families who are making the decision about if they should eat or heat their homes. We are crowdfunding so we can support them to do both.


How we’ll spend the money raised

With your help we can provide vendors with a hot drink in a warm space alongside a friendly chat about how we can help them to make change for the better. 

Our target of £10,000 will allow us to provide 400 hot drinks alongside 400 hours of support  in warm spaces to address; 

  • Homelessness
  • Financial difficulty
  • Unemployment
  • Fuel and energy poverty
  • Ill health and mental wellbeing
  • Providing people with the tools, skills and confidence to work towards a better future


We've got some rewards, too

The first 100 people who donate £25 or more will receive a free warm beanie hat as modelled by Big Issue vendor Billy below.


Photography by: Flemming Leitorp, Matt Crawford (Anabel), Marcus Jamieson-Pond (Billy)


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£25 or more

25 of 100 claimed

Free warm beanie hat

The first 100 people who donate £25 or more you will receive a free warm woolly Big Issue Foundation beanie hat.

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