New stretch target
The extra funding will be used to finance a leaflet campaign which will cover the entire ward.
We are raising funds to elect Celia Hickson as the Green MP in Bradford West in May 2015.
by celia-h in Bradford District
The extra funding will be used to finance a leaflet campaign which will cover the entire ward.
We are raising funds to help pay for the campaign to elect Celia Hickson as the new Green Party MP for Bradford West in May 2015.
Celia has stood for the Green Party in Bradford council elections on 3 occasions. She has been active in green politics since the late 1980s and is determined to play her part in building a more sustainable and socially just society.
Celia needs £500 to cover the cost of the deposit to stand as a parliamentary candidate. Her stretch target includes another £800 to pay for a freepost leaflet that will go out to 35,000 homes across Bradford West.
Please give what you can. Give Celia an opportunity to get the Green message out across Bradford West.
Thank you on behalf of Celia and the Bradford District Green Party - the most progressive force in Bradford politics.
Finally, please ensure that you are on the electoral register as this is a requirement for all donations to UK political parties.
This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.