Engineering a Future Workforce

by eggbucklandcc in Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £420

raised so far

+ est. £92.50 Gift Aid



We are aiming to raise £50,000. This would be used to purchase a new state of the art laser cutter and large format training CNC router.

by eggbucklandcc in Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Eggbuckland Community College celebrated 40 years last year.  This College has a strong history and reputation of teaching Technology based subjects to its students with an emphasis on computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided manufacture (CAM).  Over the years, many of our young people have gone on to Technology and Engineering related university studies, apprenticeships and employment within this sector.

The City of Plymouth has seen a significant growth in the areas of Manufacturing, Engineering and Construction, as a College, we want to inspire our students into these exciting and dynamic opportunities.  Our committed and highly experienced staff strive to stay up to date with developments as they guide learners towards possible careers and training opportunities available.

Remaining up to date, inspirational and relevant can be expensive.  Some of our key pieces of equipment are coming towards the end of their life with component parts now obsolete.  To facilitate the students’ aspirations and be best placed for their higher education and employment opportunities, we need to replace our key equipment.  The laser cutter was crucial in the manufacturing of large quantities of PPE during the early days of the Coronavirus pandemic.  This laser cutter has been used by thousands of our students over the past 15 years in the teaching of CAM manufacture and completion of coursework.  We would also like to extend our facilities with a large format CNC router to extend their abilities and expansion of their coursework.

As we look to the future and the investment it would make in the lives of our local young people, many of whom aspire to gain apprenticeships and higher-level qualifications in these technical industries, we are seeking your support as an individual or company to help by sponsoring us through our crowd funding scheme.  

We are looking to raise £25,000 towards the cost of a new laser cutter and a further £25,000 towards a new Boxford CNC router.  This would facilitate all students to experience a range of high-quality manufacturing and production processes.  Whilst we are aiming high for our students, all pledges of support or sponsorship would be greatly appreciated.  

As potential future employers of these students, we are confident that these crucial items represent your investment in their training and development before they reach your workforce.  We look forward to partnering with the local industry in further raising awareness and any opportunities available.

On behalf of all our 1100 students, we thank you for your interest and support for this campaign.   Please support and share our news with your industry and beyond.

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