Why has there never been a Public Libraries Festival?
That’s the question we asked ourselves when we realised that 2014 was the fiftieth anniversary of the Public Libraries Act. So LibraryCamp have taken up the challenge and Saturday 30 August will see the first ever National Public Libraries Festival.
The festival will be a day long celebration demonstrating the creativity and innovation happening in public libraries today. We want to get people thinking and talking about libraries in a different way.
From poetry to 3D printing, self publishing to Shakespeare; the festival will bring together a unique blend of live music, theatre performances, workshops, creative learning, play, talks, authors, and hopefully even zombies! There'll be big experiences for all ages. We invite festival goers to immerse themselves in a playful and imaginative programme of events featuring the best that libraries have to offer.
Now we need you to help us celebrate the awesomeness that is public libraries - past, present and future - by donating to the National Public Libraries Festival Crowdfunder campaign.
So far we have an amazing venue - the Library of Birmingham plus a splendid summer date for your diary - Saturday 30 August 2014, but what we don't have is enough cash to book all the acts we need to make this an unforgettable event..
Our fundraising campaign will enable you to listen, dance and sing to three noisy live bands and classical music performances in the Library Theatre and across the whole library complex.
Experience the thrill of live theatre, comedy and spoken word in drama, poetry and author performances in the Book Rotunda
Play, learn and create in the festival workshop programme featuring some of the most exciting classes and projects currently on offer in public libraries across the UK including video gaming, robot building, programming, wikipedia editing and self publishing.
Discuss, debate and engage with experts in technology, art and science with the Festival Talks programme.
See 3D printing taking place before your very eyes at the 3D Printing Festival within a festival!
We'll showcase the projects and programmes, opportunities and services, resources and rewards that libraries across the UK offer now and into the future.
We want the National Public Libraries Festival to be a day where everyone - the too-busy, the non-readers and the not-interested - will be tempted into the library and find something wonderful there. It's a joyous, open invitation to be amused, delighted and surprised by things you weren’t even looking for - in a place you may never have visited.
We believe the minimum for which the event can be satisfactorily staged is £20 000; £5k staffing, £5k venue, £5k acts and £5k marketing/advertising. Monies raised over £20 000 better our aim and increase our impact, raising the bar for the artists available and marketing reach. The National Public Library Festival and LibraryCamp are non profit making organisations. Any excess money from this campaign will be put straight back into the fund for next year's event.
Share our Crowdfunder pitch on Twitter and Facebook with the #PubLibFest hashtag!
If you have any questions or if you think you can help us in any way, please get in touch At [email protected].
Can you run a workshop?Perform live with your band?Bring your 3D printer?Deliver a earth shattering lightning talk?
We'd love to hear from you.
Your super pals Sue Lawson & Richard Veevers
LibraryCamp is the proud producer of the National Public Libraries Festival. With a unique alliance of partners, supporters and volunteers from across the UK we we work together to develop and deliver the Festival.
We will work hard to bring you the most cutting edge library projects and workshops plus creative performances, music and spoken word and authors, writers, scientists, technologists, who will join us to discuss their work and expand your mind.
We are constantly looking for new projects and creative events to host and stage to give people the chance to learn, explore and think about their world through science, literature, music, performance and art - all via their public library!