Walk, Don’t Walk
Covid-19 struck just as we were beginning to plan the 2020 Fourth World Congress of Psychogeography. Of course, we are not able to meet Huddersfield as usual, and we considered cancelling this year’s Congress altogether. But as we started exploring ideas, we soon became excited by the possibility of running the 2020 Congress online...
So, the 4WCoP 2020 Congress is happening. We have pulled out all the stops, and we have a full programme of walks, talks, films, games, art, poetry and beer-bottle-tops for you!
We hope that more people will be able to attend, joining from many different parts of the world. People who may have faced physical barriers to getting involved in past years can also join us this year, from the comfort of their own homes.
4WCoP is run by volunteers and relies entirely on donations from supporters like you. If you would normally travel to Huddersfield, perhaps you could give us the cost of your train fare or petrol instead? Please do give what you can - we hope you’ll agree that this year offers absolutely stonking value for money!
Please do join us on the weekend of 4-6th September at https://4wcop.org/ .