We're still collecting donations
On the 24th May 2020 we'd raised £2,740 with 65 supporters in 42 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
3D Printing face shields for frontline workers.
by Nelson in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
On the 24th May 2020 we'd raised £2,740 with 65 supporters in 42 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Hitting the initial goal will allow us to get all our printers going for the next several weeks.
We imagine our capacity with our print farm can be easily doubled and potentially many times more again. We have set a large stretch target to highlight that there is a HUGE amount of help needed.
This whole process is entirely scalable so if we manage to generate more funds than can be used by our own printer farm it will be passed on to the 3DCrowd group and/or other Covid19 charity efforts, either way we get more PPE into more hands faster and prevent more infections.
Having seen the lack of PPE for frontline workers, shop staff and delivery drivers I have decided to help by printing face shields. I am working with www.3dcrowd.uk as Glasgow coordinator.
I have already bought 3D printers which are churning out shields, but I only have so much plastic for production and materials for maintenance. Therefore I am asking for donations in order to be able to fund more printers, materials and distribution costs.
This is a time-sensitive issue and the more material I can order NOW the faster the shields can be out there. I only have the resources to keep printing for a short while and I want to keep printing 24/7 while there is a need.
Any and all funds raised through this page will go to purchasing hardwear, materials and transport to get these shields out as soon as possible. ANY funds raised above my capacity to print will be donated to the national 3dCrowd effort or other Covid19 response charity effortds until such time as I can increase capacity further or we close the crowdfunder.
If you are able to 3D print yourself and want to help, or if you are a frontline organisation in need of face shileds, please register/request at www.3dcrowd.uk
We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.
This project offered rewards