Make 30% of the worlds ocean No-Take Zones by 2030

by Seaspiracy in United States

Total raised $6,222

raised so far



We are asking our world leaders to establish and enforce ‘No-Take’ Marine Protected Areas in at least 30% of the worlds ocean by 2030.

by Seaspiracy in United States

 donated match funding
The #30by30 Match Fund is providing live match funding
Regular Donations: After you have completed your donation you will be able to set-up a regular donation arrangement to continue supporting this great cause.

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Our seas are dying, there’s no other way to say it. We need you to join our crew so we can turn the tide on this destruction.

We must take action NOW.

We are asking world leaders to establish and enforce the protection of at least 30% of our oceans from industrial fishing by the year 2030.


Establishing and Enforcing ‘No-Take Zones' will protect habitat and vulnerable wildlife whose populations are in a state of collapse, and will ensure these habitats have a chance of recovering.

It’s important to understand the difference between ‘marine protected areas’ (MPA’s) and ‘No-Take Zones'. 

No-Take Zones prohibit extractive and destructive fishing operations - the single most destructive industry in our oceans. Without this enforcement MPA’s continue to allow marine devastation. This raises the question, do MPA’s even do anything? The answer in many cases is a resounding no.

In fact, 97% of UK Marine Protected Areas continue to be plundered by bottom trawling - perhaps the most catastrophic form of fishing. The story is the same around the world.

The Solution is Simple...

No-Take Zones have profound benefits to marine wildlife and habitat. Indeed, it is the only measure shown to actually work in allowing ecosystems to recover and rebound in a meaningful way.

1623084754_30by30campaign_ali_quote_v2.jpgHOW DO WE MAKE THIS HAPPEN?

We are creating an explosive international campaign which will manifest in the form of huge awareness raising stunts. That’s right… think, massive billboards, airplane banners, loud sound installations, light projections onto landmarks, bus adverts, and more. You name it, we will probably be doing it!

We know that when enough people understand the reality of what is happening to our oceans, change is inevitable. An incredible seachange of consumer behaviour has already taken place after untold millions of people watched the groundbreaking Netflix Original Documentary, Seaspiracy [Released in March 2021]. However, this campaign is taking the message one step further.

This campaign is a demand to world leaders to do the right thing; a demand to become the stewards of the oceans they claim to be. This year many governments have taken pledges to increase the number of MPA’s, yet the fine print of these promises reveal no mention of banning fishing operations from these areas of our seas. This is outrageous, and quite frankly, pathetic.

This would be like creating Rainforest Protected Areas, and taking no measures to protect the rainforest from it’s leading threats of deforestation!

We ask that you join us and turn our campaign into ‘OUR’ campaign! 

1623084778_30by30campaign_billboard-mockup.jpgWHERE DOES YOUR MONEY GO?

This problem won’t be solved overnight, and we know politicians will need all the encouragement they can get to deliver on this. Here’s how we’re going to do it.

We will be starting our campaigning at the G7 Summit in Cornwall, England this June 11th, and keeping sustained pressure on politicians around the world all the way through to COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, in November this year. From there, we will announce other dates and events we will be present at.*

*See updates of what's gone on so far here.   

Funds will pay for:

1. A major billboard campaign which we’ll ensure we are seen far and wide, starting with the UK [It’s a big year for politics in the UK!]

2. Light projections onto world landmarks - These will include hard hitting facts from Seaspiracy, animations, and perhaps more excitingly, video messages from you! That’s right. You can send us video messages asking world leaders to take action, which we will blast onto huge landmarks.

3. Eye catching publicity stunts - we’d love to tell you more, but this would ruin the surprise!



Unless we act now we will live to see the death of the oceans, and our children will never know the wonder and beauty of our once thriving blue planet. We can’t fix this on our own. Now we need action, and that’s where you come in.

This project originated in the UK in £'s but you can now donate to this project in US Dollars via Visa, Mastercard, Applepay or Googlepay. We want to take this movement global. 


Every $ pledged will be matched, meaning your donation will be doubled! 

Please chip in what you can and please share our Crowdfunder. 

We can only change this together.

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