Each year Kondanani Malawi purchases 365 bags of maize to feed the orphaned children of the Village. They require one bag a day at a cost of £17. Each bag feeds some 100 kids. Kondanani UK aims to raise £2,000 towards the £6,500 cost. Could you support us? How many bags could you pay for?
It costs £62 to provide a daily helping of mealie meal porridge per child for 12 months. Could you help feed an orphaned child in this way for a year? By way of thanking you we will send you a copy of Mother of Malawi, an extraordinary story of life out of death and hope out of despair.
Maize is the staple food and it is by far the cheapest at harvest time. Buying these bags in advance delivers huge cost savings and bypasses any devaluation of the local currency. Please consider donating towards this worthwhile cause.
You will also be supporting the Children's Hospital and Dental Surgery that reaches out to the local community saving the lives of poorly children.
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat... Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:35-40)