Believe, Love, Share - 2024 CCSP Annual Appeal

by CATHOLIC CHILDREN'S SOCIETY (PLYMOUTH) in Newton Abbot, Devon, United Kingdom

Believe, Love, Share - 2024 CCSP Annual Appeal

Total raised £422

raised so far

+ est. £85.00 Gift Aid



We support all families living in Devon, Cornwall and parts of Dorset. Our Annual Appeal is the biggest fundraiser of our CCSP calendar


Please BELIEVE, LOVE, SHARE AND TRANSFORM LIVES for vulnerable children and their families by donating today to the Catholic Children's Society (Plymouth) 2024 Annual Appeal.

CCSP help families through our: -

  • Essential Grants Programme
  • Pro-active Parenting Programme
  • Good Shepherd Programme
  • Rainbows Bereavement & Loss Programme

When families are struggling to put food on the table, warmth in their homes and clothes on their children, they are not prepared for when something goes wrong. A broken cooker is an unwanted expense for anyone, but for those struggling with circumstances such as sudden illness, bereavement, redundancy or eviction, it may mean the need for an expensive loan and the risk of spiralling debt.

Our CCSP Essential Grants Programme aims to prevent an immediate crisis from threatening the stability of family life, by allowing us to purchase the essential items that parents and carers could otherwise not afford for their children.  Each application is reviewed by a panel of our Trustees and is based entirely on need.


  • £50 for school shoes for two children
  • £100 for a single child's bed and mattress
  • £250 for a new washing machine or an electric cooker


Each year we continue to receive more and more requests for our financial help from families who are really struggling to make ends meet.  And in 2022, we received the most applications we have ever received in one year as 396 families applied for a grant from our Essential Grants programme.  We need your help to enable us to continue helping children and families living in our Diocese.  

Please do support this year's Annual Appeal and if you can, please do gift aid your donation.


Registered Charity No. 282803

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