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We need your help to fight climate change and grow nature.

Help projects in Cornwall take climate action and recover nature by donating funds that will make their ideas a reality.

Crowdfunder and Cornwall Council have teamed up to support brilliant projects which are tackling climate change and and delivering nature recovery across the county. Will you join us?

Simply back Net Zero and Nature Recovery projects by donating into the Love Where You Are campaign.

Your donations will contribute to match funding projects tackling the climate emergency and growing nature by making their ideas a reality. Love Where You Are donations supplement the Match Funding distributed via the Cornwall Climate and Nature Fund.

Cornwall Council has already pledged £200,000 match funding for climate action and nature projects in Cornwall and with your help we can continue this support in the years to come. You can also donate directly to any of the projects below.

So please, join Cornwall’s fight against climate change and delivery of nature’s recovery by backing projects responding to the climate and ecological emergency in the Cornwall we love!

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Donate to the fund

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So far the Love Where You Are campaign has helped raise


Total raised

Rai Lewis avatar
Lucie Hernandez avatar
Soul Farm avatar


Total projects


Total supporters

Funding the great ideas that are making Cornwall greener

Make a donation into Love Where you Are and we will continue to support projects that are working towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and delivering nature recovery to support a Carbon Neutral Cornwall and meet our Nature Recovery ambitions.

You can donate any amount directly to the Love Where You Are fund above. Projects can then apply to the Cornwall Climate and Nature Fund and if eligible will receive match funding from a share of the Love Where You are donations to make their great idea happen and help Cornwall to tackle Climate Change and Grow Nature.

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Projects making a difference in Cornwall

Share the love by putting up our poster!

Download and print your own QR code poster, which you can put in your window at home or on a local notice board to encourage more people to support and donate.

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Have you got a great idea that needs funding?

We have thousands of pounds in match funding available for projects that really want to make a positive difference in Cornwall. Take a look and see if you're eligible.

Supported by

We are supported by these organisations