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This competition has now closed! But don't worry, there are plenty more +Extra funding opportunities available!

Find out more about +Extra funding

Through our new competition, we were on the lookout for 20 creative and digital people, organisations, or businesses in Plymouth who need funding to make their ideas a reality. For example, ideas could be looking to create an interactive game, magazine, feature film or virtual art gallery.

Successful entrants will have the opportunity to win up to a total £3,500, with all 20 entrants receiving at least £500. Projects are now crowdfunding, support your favourite below.

Young girl smiling

Projects now crowdfunding

Key dates

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13 May - 9 June

Call for entry

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9 June

Shortlisted entrants notified

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14 June

Coaching begins

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27 June

Crowdfunding live!

How the funding works

The £15,000 is split between two funding pots. £10,000 is ring-fenced to ensure all 20 shortlisted projects receive £500 match funding, subject to hitting milestone one. The remaining £5,000 match funding is available on a first come, first served basis to the 20 shortlisted projects, subject to hitting milestones two and three outlined below.


Milestone one

Raise £500 from at least 20 supporters, receive a £500 pledge. (20 x £500 available)


Milestone two

Raise a further £1,000 from the crowd, receive a £1000 pledge. (3 x £1k available)


Milestone three

Raise a further £2,000 from the crowd, receive a £2,000 pledge. (1 x £2k available)

About iMayflower

This activity is part of the iMayflower project and has been supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who fund the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England.

iMayflower is delivered in partnership with Creative England, Crowdfunder, Destination Plymouth, Plymouth City Council, Arts University Plymouth, Real Ideas Organisation and the University of Plymouth

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