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The Covid Arms 

The Big Comedy Quiz at The Covid Arms

All of your favourite comedians in the world's biggest virtual pub, for a 'play-along' quiz like no other. 

Supporting your much-loved local, raising cash for the National Emergencies Trust, and setting a Guinness World Records™  for most people in a virtual pub... We did it! 

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Watch out for our landlady Kiri Pritchard-Mclean. She'll be swinging the doors open at 8pm on Friday 1st of May

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The Covid Arms are raising funds for The National Emergencies Trust Coronavirus Appeal 

Who joined us on the night?

Russell Howard

Russell Howard

Rachel Parris

Rachel Parris

John Richardson

Jason Manford

Suzi Ruffell

Suzi Ruffell

Joel Dommett

Joel Dommett

Lucy Beaumont

Lucy Beaumont

Marcus Brigstocke

Marcus Brigstocke

Jenny Ryan

Jenny Ryan

Nish Kumar

Nish Kumar

Stephen Bailey

Stephen Bailey

Rachel Fairburn

Rachel Fairburn

Mark Watson

Mark Watson

Joe WIlkinson

Joe Wilkinson

Joe WIlkinson

London Hughes

How it worked

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Save the date

We know you're not going anywhere, because you're not allowed out. So don't pretend you have anything else to be doing. The date is set.

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Buy a ticket and take your place at the bar

We had 450 'front row' places at the bar and a huge pub garden. Proceeds of the night go to The National Emergencies Trust

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Support your local pub

We invited pubs to fundraise alongside as part of our Pay It Forward programme supported by Beavertown

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Play-along and win

Join us on the night for a fun packed evening in The Covid Arms and help us set a new Guinness World Records™ for the most people in a virtual pub!