We have a way: tackling racism through education

by Crowdfunder | Jun 24, 2021 | Stories

We have a way: tackling racism through education

At Crowdfunder we have a way.

A way to give people a voice and get it heard.

Like Black Voices Cornwall, who we have featured in our new TV ad.

After meeting during #BlackLivesMatter protests in Truro, a small group of people came together to form Black Voices Cornwall—an organisation existing to enable Cornwall to become an actively anti-racist county. 

The teaching of Black History in all schools is crucial but many only teach about notable figures such as Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks. Additionally the school curriculum teaches the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade but, sadly, it is often taught insensitively due to a lack of understanding of the impact this has on children of colour.

Aiming to address these issues, Black Voices Cornwall set up a Crowdfunder to create and provide bitesize lessons to Cornish schools all about Black History. By providing this specially curated content straight to teachers, it would ensure that this important topic would be embedded into the curriculum throughout the year and not just taught during Black History Month in October.

Better yet, by raising the money from the crowd these resources would be offered to all of Cornwall’s education establishments for free!

Needless to say, the crowd immediately rallied around to get this project funded. Their message resonated with people far and wide, including the team here are Crowdfunder, and they raised over £8,000 from 176 supporters. In October of last year, the Black Voices Cornwall team held their launch event at C-Space—our Newquay based HQ so we knew we had to include them in our first TV adventure! 

Over the years, Crowdfunder has helped countless people from across the UK to get their voices heard, just like Black Voices Cornwall. Start your own crowdfunding journey today.

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