Old School Community Rooms
RCN 1185789, Rugby
RCN 1185789, Rugby
+ estimated £791
Helping make good things happen
The gift of £1800.00 was raised through Harborough Magna Open Gardens 2015 and afternoon teas attended by village residents. The gift is for chairs, trollies and other equipment to be used within the new community room. Gina Archer and Alison Moore
pledged £1,800 + an est. £450.00 in Gift Aid
Thank you to everyone who helped make this venue a reality.
pledged £50 + an est. £12.50 in Gift Aid
Liz Hope has also backed 1 other project
pledged £100
Anything that benefits and brings the village community together has to be a good thing.
pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid
Great to see a nice new community hall. Thanks to all those that have worked hard to make it happen for us all to enjoy. Laura & Rachel
pledged £50 + an est. £12.50 in Gift Aid
pledged £74
pledged £90 + an est. £22.50 in Gift Aid
pledged £500 + an est. £125.00 in Gift Aid