The Quiet Compere Poetry and Gallery Tour 2016

by sarah-l-dixon in Manchester

We did it
On 14th January 2016 we successfully raised £3,047 with 148 supporters in 56 days

The Quiet Compere gives a platform to local page and performance poets, including both established and emerging voices. Help fund 2016 tour.

by sarah-l-dixon in Manchester

 New stretch target

If the project over-funds I would put these funds into use by adding another event in Sunderland (£900) and/or professional photographers fees (£600).

The Quiet Compere

Sarah L Dixon runs regular Quiet Compere events in Manchester. She hosted a medical-themed poetry event at Cheltenham Poetry Festival in 2014. Sarah is presently touring the ten poets x ten minutes format nationally, after a successful tour of the North in 2014. Quiet Compere events enlist established poets and emerging voices.

The Quiet Compere introduces them with little fanfare, so the poems (and not the poet's track record) tell you all you need to know.

In 2016, The Quiet Compere is going to team up with art galleries and museums. She will commission local poets to write pieces about the art-work or collections (Commissioned themes for 2014 and 2015 were Volume and Space.). Having been successful in bids to Arts Council England in 2014 and 2015, she is keen to pursue match-funding through local councils, galleries and museums (as well as through the crowd-funder) to strengthen her bid for 2016 funding through Arts Council England.

The Quiet Compere blog is here:

Tour Dates for 2016

1) Swindon Poetry Festival - Friday 7th October 2016

2) Wolverhampton Art Gallery - June 2016 - date TBC

3) Whitworth Art Gallery - Thursday 4th February 2016

4) Stubbing's Wharf - Hebden Bridge - April 2016 - date TBC

Quotes from 2015 Tour:

Adrian Mealing, The Very Grimm Brothers and UK Touring (tour company for Roger McGough, Ian McMillan, Andrew Motion and more):

"You set a little powder keg under the palm tree and encourage the evening's castaways to light the fuse. It's perfect. You're terrific. You do a lovely job. My, but you work so hard and affectionately at this game of the imagination." (Worcester Performer).

John Darwin, Host of Write Out Loud Sale and member of Firm of Poets:

"Quiet Compere nights have a rare and lovely gentleness." (Halifax Performer)

Quotes from 2014 Tour:

Rosie Garland, Performance Poet and March Violet:

said of Lead Poets, my former night: "No fuss, no flashing lights. Warm, friendly and clique-free. It is a rare thing." (Manchester Performer)

Carole Bromley, Editor of York Mix, author of (most recently) The Stonegate Devil (Smith-Doorstop)

"Sarah's creative energy and enthusiasm are legendary. She encourages and gives a platform to fellow poets. Where would we be without her?" (York Performer)

Charlie Jordan, DJ at Smooth FM Drive-time and Decadent Diva:

"Your attention to detail is stunning. From flyers to payment stuff, thanking us all, photos and the blog too." (Birmingham Performer)


  • Crowd-funder rewards: £800
  • Performer and Co-host fees: £1440
  • Flyer, printing and other promotion costs: £170
  • Venue hire and tech fees: £150
  • Transport: £130
  • Planning, market research, ticket and venue liaison: £675
  • Host/Compere fees, thanking, blogs: £950
  • Photographer fee: £250 (if over-funded)

Other Funding

  1. Wolverhampton Art Gallery: £300
  2. Swindon Poetry Festival: £250 (including accommodation cost)
  3. Whitworth Art Gallery- £300
  4. Predicted ticket sales: £500

Any over-funding will go towards making a fifth event happen.


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

71 of 100 claimed

£5 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling and a personal thank you email from The Quiet Compere. This would fund a third of the flyers for an event.

£10 or more

35 of 100 claimed

£10 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling and a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere. This would fund two-thirds of the flyers for an event.

£10 or more

8 of 10 claimed

£10 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling and a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere. This would fund two-thirds of the flyers for an event. PLUS a Facebook share and three Tweets about an event/book/etc of your choice (Right reserved to refuse to post inappropriate material). LIMITED EDITION

£12 or more

0 of 20 claimed

£12 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling and a hand-written post-card The Quiet Compere from a venue on the tour! This would fund the flyers for an event.

£15 or more

12 of 100 claimed

£15 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere and a badge. This would pay for the ink and printing costs of running orders and signatures sheets for 4 events

£17 or more

3 of 20 claimed

£17 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere (FROM A DATE ON THE TOUR!) and a badge. This would pay for the ink and printing costs of running orders and signatures sheets for 4 events

£20 or more

9 of 50 claimed

£20 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge and a mini workshop before an event. This would pay for research into local press and webpages for an event and the sending out of of Press Releases.

£25 or more

9 of 25 claimed

£25 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge, a 2016 T-shirt with full tour info on the back. This would pay for half of the venue hire for an event.

£25 or more

4 of 30 claimed

£25 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge and entrance to one event. This would pay for half of the venue hire for an event.

£25 or more

4 of 10 claimed

£25 Reward

I will write you a bespoke poem and send it to you as a Word document, PDF and jpeg. As long as you credit me you are free to share wherever you like. Perfect to promote your business creatively.

£30 or more

13 of 25 claimed

£30 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge, a 2016 T-shirt with full tour info on the back and entrance to an event of your choice. This would pay the platform fee for one of the performers.

£30 or more

2 of 25 claimed

£30 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge, entrance to an event and a mini workshop before an event. This would pay for half of the venue hire for an event.

£35 or more

2 of 25 claimed

£35 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge, a 2016 T-shirt with full tour info on the back a mini workshop before the event and entrance to an event of your choice. This would pay the platform fee for one of the performers and printing costs.

£40 or more

1 of 10 claimed

£40 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge, a mini workshop, before the event and entrance to an event of your choice and a shout out at the event. This would pay for the thank you messages to performers, the blog and photos drafting and posting.

£45 or more

0 of 10 claimed

£45 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge, a 2016 T-shirt with full tour info on the back, mini workshop, before the event and entrance to an event of your choice and a shout out at the event. This would pay for the thank you messages to performers, the blog and photos drafting and posting.

£50 or more

3 of 5 claimed

£50 Reward

A framed bespoke poem. I will also and it to you as a Word document, PDF and jpeg. As long as you credit me you are free to share wherever you like. Perfect to promote your business creatively. Delivered to businesses within ten miles from Manchester at no extra charge. P and P for businesses further afield.

£75 or more

3 of 10 claimed

£75 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge, a 2016 T-shirt with full tour info on the back, mini workshop before event, entrance to an event of your choice, a shout out at the event and inclusion of your name and/or logo on the flyers for one event. This would invest in time to find and book poets and give due consideration to the running order.

£5 or more

10 of 10 claimed

£5 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling and a personal thank you email from The Quiet Compere. This would fund a third of the flyers for an event. PLUS LIMITED OFFER open to first ten - a share of a link on my Facebook timeline (right to refuse to post distasteful or otherwise unsuitable material).

£20 or more

5 of 5 claimed

£20 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge and a 2016 T-shirt with logo. This would pay for research into local press and webpages for an event and the sending out of of Press Releases.

£100 or more

3 of 3 claimed

£100 Reward

A warm fuzzy feeling, a hand-written post-card from The Quiet Compere, a badge, a 2016 T-shirt with full tour info on the back, mini workshop before the event and entrance to an event of your choice, a shout out at the event and inclusion of your name and/or logo on the flyers for all events. This would pay platform fees for three performers and for ticket liaison for two events.

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