Celebrating Scotland’s Suffragettes

by tsBeall & Protests&Suffragettes in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

We did it
On 15th September 2020 we successfully raised £20,415 with 277 supporters in 29 days

Help us highlight the gallus women behind Scotland's radical history as we create engaging resources for young people across Scotland.

by tsBeall & Protests&Suffragettes in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We DID IT!! With the help of 250+ supporters, we raised £20,000!! We can now take the stories of these amazing women to 3,000 young people – that's 100 Educational Packs gifted across Scotland! 

We wanted to share our plans for any additional donations which come in over our £20K target: We'll use these to produce online educational resources on Scottish Suffrage – accessible to everyone: We'll commission Braw Talent to produce dynamic videos that work with our Education Packs and can be used in classrooms and at home (up to 5 videos / £1000). We'll use any additional funds over £21K to cover costs for a dedicated P&S project website – hosting that online content and other resources on Scottish women's activism.

We're also still offering regional sponsorship – allowing YOU to gift a Youth Pack or Full Education Pack to a specific youth club or Community Centre. You can donate towards a specific region, or nominate a specific school to receive Full Packs (pls see our £150 & £300 rewards). 

We’re aiming BIG, and your generous donation will help us raise the banner for these important and inspirational women — reaching more young people as we Celebrate Scotland's Suffragettes! We'd also like to thank The Newspaper Club for partnering with us to produce our fabulous zines.

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** Please Note – We’re also expanding the Education Packs to include 20+ more Scottish Suffragettes (YAY!) due to generous donations so far and because we have exceeded our initial target, and this will extend the delivery time for the Playing Cards & Educational Packs. Please see details below (scroll down to Delivery Timeline Update – please note that we cannot change the date shown in the 'REWARDS' field and those dates are no longer accurate. Delivery times for Posters and Zines are not affected and are correct as noted.

Protests & Suffragettes project Ident / logoHow many Scottish Suffragettes can you name? How many radical women activists? Did you know these histories are often left out of education?

People across Scotland – especially young people – don’t know these histories. We want to create Scottish Suffragettes playing cards – a deck of cards celebrating the amazing diversity of Scotland’s women activists, past and present. We’ll work with 50 schools and youth groups across Scotland to distribute ‘Protests & Suffragettes’ cards, zines and activity packs – for free!


Our Project

We want to highlight Scotland’s hidden history and the women who led important protests like Mary Barbour (1915 Rent Strikes), Helen Crawfurd (Suffragette), and Agnes Dollan (Women’s Peace Crusade). Their inspirational words and actions aren’t in most history books – but they should be.

We want to get young people excited about these mighty activists, and inspired to discover more about them.

Our aim is to distribute Protests & Suffragettes educational activity packs to 50 schools and youth groups across Scotland, so that these inspiring histories to reach as many young people as possible – and we need your help!


Each pack is designed for a classroom of 30 students and includes:

  • 7 decks of Scottish Suffragettes playing cards: At the center of this project is a unique, playful deck of cards that features the name, image and information of over 30 Scottish Suffragettes and activists. These are high-quality bespoke cards, and young people will be able to engage in a fun, hands-on, ready to use game which encourages independent learning.
  • 10 copies of our Rent Strikers & Suffragettes zine: The zine has striking visuals and highlights powerful words spoken by these women. Students can read and use them as inspiration to create their own.
  • Lesson Plans, Activity Sheets, Powerpoints & Printable Resources: We’ve partnered with social enterprise Braw Talent to develop innovative, empowering lesson plans that align with the Curricula for Excellence and can be used in multiple areas (Art, Modern History, etc.). These additional resources will encourage teachers and youth workers to explore these women’s actions in fresh, meaningful ways. The professional educators and designers at Braw will develop these resources in consultation with teachers across Scotland.


Meet the Team

We are an artist-led, voluntary team (2013-present) of creative activists and local historians based in Scotland. The project is led by socially-engaged artist Dr t s Beall – who has been working in Govan/Glasgow and with these histories for over a decade. The project began as part of practice-based doctoral research at Univ. of Glasgow Theatre Studies in 2013. Seven years later it continues stronger than ever!

Our team includes Trish Caird, Ines Cavaco, Lydia Levett, Lesley Mitchell, Ian McCracken, Candace Thomas, Clare Thompson, and others who prefer to remain mysterious.

As a team we are constantly thinking about how to present our research in relevant, creative and meaningful ways in order to share these incredible women's names, achievements, and voices to as many people as possible.


Previous Projects

When working on a sister project in 2014 we created and distributed 300 decks of Trumps-style cards featuring Govan’s history – the 'Govan Trumps'. These were given to local schools and youth groups. We received amazing feedback from educators, the local community and young people alike, giving us confidence in our ability to bring this vision to life and the impact it will have on those who receive it. We are excited to celebrate Scotland's under-represented history – and some of the women who made it happen – by creating a new set of cards and distributing them to a national (and maybe even an international) audience.


What Your Money Will Do

The majority of the budget will go towards the production and printing of bespoke playing cards celebrating Scottish Suffragettes. We’ll also be working with creatives and professional educators to develop the activity packs – making sure they align with the Curriculum for Excellence and other educational targets.

A small percentage will go towards printing and postage for the rewards. We developed and produced the posters and zines as volunteers, so there is no production cost for those.

Image of A3 Posters of Agnes Dollan and Mary Barbour

Image of A3 Poster of Helen Crawfurd and 3 Suffragettes




Delivery Timeline Update 

Delay in sending Suffragette Playing Cards (March 2021)

We've exceeded our initial fundraising targets – which is AMAZING!! Because of the generosity of our sponsors so far we’re able to expand the number of Scottish Suffragette Playing Cards to include 20+ more Scottish Suffragettes (YAY!) from 32 to 52. (You'll notice that our video says 'over 30 Suffragettes' – this is because we'd initially budgeted for a 'half-deck'). We're also going to be partnering with 100 schools, youth groups, and community centres across Scotland – rather than 50. All of this will require more time, as we find partners and develop bespoke educational materials.

So – we have taken the decision to extend the delivery time for the Playing Cards & Educational Packs – these will be delivered by 31 March 2021 rather than by end Dec 2020. Posters and Zines are not affected.

We realise this might be a disappointment for some of our donors and we will work with you to find a solution – we can of course send posters and zines as noted in the REWARDS – only the cards will be affected by this change. You can also request a refund.

This additional time will allow us to produce world-class, dynamic educational resources – and to do more focussed, in-depth research – and to find images for these remarkable women. (Finding images often takes a long time). We'll email everyone affected as soon as the Crowdfunder closes. 

THANK YOU AGAIN for your support!!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

33 of 125 claimed

'Rent Strikers & Suffragettes' LimitedEdition Zine

You'll get your own copy of our zine celebrating Suffragettes, activists, and the women who led the 1915 Rent Strikes in Glasgow. Learn about Helen Crawfurd, Agnes Dollan, Mary Barbour, Jessie Stephen, Helen Fraser, and others. We've spent 7 years recovering their own words –quoted inside– & details of their work. Collages made by our team & members of Kinning Park Complex during public zine-making workshops. Text on each woman from our archives.

£10 or more

Digital Zine or Custom Video Conference Background

We'll send you a digital copy of our 'Rent Strikers & Suffragettes' Zine OR a cool Video Conferencing Background! Our 'Zoom Backgrounds' feature images from our posters/zine, & are a fun way to share your interest in women's histories! We'll send these Zoom Backgrounds as soon as by email – so you can send us a picture of yourself using them in your online meetings. A real conversation starter! (Scroll down to the bottom of the page for images).

£30 or more

18 of 150 claimed

Inspirational A2 Poster of Scots Women Activists

These are genuinely beautiful, striking posters inspired by our Zine collages. Choose 1 of 4 designs crafted by the artists and creatives on our team –each featuring a quote from a mighty woman activist! These are professionally printed on 200gsm paper (they're substantial) with a gorgeous, luxurious high-quality matt laminate. The colours are vibrant & these posters visually jump right off the walls! A3 = 42x60cm or 16.5x24in, shipped in tube.

£40 or more

48 of 75 claimed

Scottish Suffragettes Cards+Zine OR A3 Poster+Zine

Your own deck of ‘Scottish Suffragettes’ Playing Cards & ‘Rent Strikers & Suffragettes’ Zine –OR– A beautiful A3 Poster (choose 1 of 4) & Zine. The Cards are beautifully made, exquisitely researched & each 1 celebrates a Scottish Suffragette! The deck is professionally produced & printed & 'feels' like a normal deck of cards in your hands. Comes in a bespoke box with HowToPlay instructions. Posters & Zine described elsewhere: +£5 if shipping int

£65 or more

4 of 25 claimed

Scottish Suffragettes Cards + Zine + Craft Pack

We’ll send you a deck of Scottish Suffragette Trumps Cards, a copy of our Limited Edition ‘Rent Strikers & Suffragettes’ Zine, AND a cool Craft Pack so you can make your own zine collages! This is a great gift for a young person (or anyone young at heart ;) to inspire creating your own poster-worthy, dynamic images. The Pack includes direct quotes & archival images of these mighty women activists, and other gems that we’ve found in archives.

£100 or more

11 of 20 claimed

Full Set of 4 A2 Posters & Limited Edition Zine

You'll receive a set of all 4 of our beautiful poster designs, and a copy of our 'Rent Strikers & Suffragettes' Limited Edition Zine. Shipped in a tube – no additional international shipping charges. Thank you for your support!

£150 or more

Youth Group or Community Centre Gift Pack

A truly great gift for Youth Groups and Community Centres! This is a complete educational resource designed for smaller groups (10-20). Each 'Youth Group Pack' includes 3 decks of Scottish Suffragettes Playing Cards (for 12-15 young people to play together) and 6 printed Zines. This Pack also includes a ‘Make Your own Zine’ Craft Pack (including our iconic stickers) AND all the Educational Resources included in the Full Schools Pack.

£300 or more

Sponsor a Full Education Pack for a School / Group

You’ll be sponsoring a Full Educational Activity Pack for a Scottish School or Youth Group, designed to work with 30 young people! This is the heart of our project. Each Pack includes 7 decks of ‘Scottish Suffragettes’ Cards, 10 Printed Zines, and a sequence of engaging educational resources (activities & lesson plans) crafted by Braw Talent. Your name will be acknowledged in every deck of cards, & online through our social media.

£500 or more

Sponsor TWO ScottishSuffragettes Educational Packs

Same as above for £300, but you'll be sponsoring not one but TWO Education Packs for two Scottish Schools or Youth Groups. Well done, you! This is literally the heart of our project –bringing dynamic, hands-on practical resources which encourage independent learning & align with current benchmarks –including the Curriculum for Excellence. As a special thank you, we'll also ship a deck of Suffragette Playing Cards & Zine to you personally as well

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