Pier Review - A book about a journey to the outcrops of a dying culture.

by pierreview in Birmingham

Pier Review - A book about a journey to the outcrops of a dying culture.
We did it
On 6th September 2011 we successfully raised £1,040 with 36 supporters in 0 days

UPDATE: You wouldn't believe quite how grateful we are for the support that's seen us reach the £500 target in just a week, thank you very much if you pledged or just spread the word. That said £500 is pretty much the minimum we need to make this a goer, and for each pledge we get we can do more things en route (or maybe even stay in a B+B at some point). You can still pledge now and get one of the cool rewards on offer, or there are other non financial ways you can help too. Thanks! Jon & Danny. Birmingham is not a coastal city. An Englishman's blood tastes of lager and salt, but those that live in the shadow of the Bull Ring are landlocked; non-swimmers in a nation of mermaids. Even the city s proudest claim is an open joke amongst its residents: more canals than Venice, we say with a grim smile, knowing the difference between the breathtaking tragic romance of Venice and our banal doom but leaving it unsaid like a shopping trolley sinking beneath the water s surface. The still brown water of the canals is metaphorically a million miles from the sea, but Birmingham is only 100 miles away from the nearest beach. The irony from our disconnect to the sea is that in anywhere else in the world Birmingham would be considered coastal . Australians talk about driving four hours to get to the beach like it was popping to the outdoor for ten fags, and Americans that live in the mountains own jet skis. Those from Birmingham are perfectly placed to write about an ephemeral British seaside because that's what the seaside is to them: a ghost, a Vaseline-smeared Shangri-La cobbled together from Carry On films, hazy childhood memories and nostalgia for a bygone era. We've written about Birmingham though, have a free e-book to download about it.Piers are the phallic symbols of our desire to own the motherly sea; our Victorian forefathers covered them with the lace dressings of amusement to prevent the working class getting too excited. Since then they ve rotted slowly, like Britain's empire and its self respect. These cultural outcrops are still fresh in our race memory, however: not a month goes by without a fire, a change of ownership or a battle to save . They re going, but not without a fight. Two of Birmingham s most committed journaleers and artists of human experienceÑa bi-polar working class warrior with a romantic streak you could drown a fascist in, and a cheerful nihilist in love with his own legendÑare willing to take on the challenge. The challenge of visiting every one of England and Wales s 56 surviving pleasure piers in two weeks, because two weeks is as long as it s possible to get off work. Writing alongside each other, but separately, they may agree but more likely the accounts will differ as much as Orwell and Hemingway's versions of the Spanish Civil War. They re on the same side, and may see the same things, but not always for the same reasons. They, corralled by their wiry old-punk tour manager, will camp, B+B, interview, record, philosophise and drink their way round Britain's coastline looking for the postcard seaside that probably only exists in the collective nostalgia of a country in the shadow of a recession. What do you need the money for? Oooh all sorts, petrol for one Ñ public transport is so iffy in Britain that we only way to do this (and it's still only just about possible) is to drive like the wind (in a ten-year-old Renault Clio). We'll also need campsite fees, basic foodstuffs, and kiss me qwik hats. We're pitching for £500 here, although we'll need quite a bit more than that so keep giving as much as you canÉ When are you going? At the season's end. We're planning to cast off in September. When's the book out? As soon as possible, it'll no doubt take a fair edit (our stuff usually does). We're pitching to publishers at the moment, and if one bites the schedule will be up to them. Check more out at PierReview.co.uk

by pierreview in Birmingham

11th September 2011

<p> Hi, can you guys get in touch with me please, asap? Your website email's bouncing back.</p> <p> Email: [email protected] re: my own pier project (documentary) about to launch on CrowdFunder tomorrow...</p> <p> Ta</p>

24th August 2011

<p> Couldn't see dates on the schedule, looks great though. Pint on offer in Southport if date works.</p>


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£10 or more

£10 Reward

Access to a private blog of the trip while it's going on. Be the first to know about everything that goes wrong, see photos and other exclusive stuff that might not make the 'cut'.

£20 or more

£20 Reward

First edition copy of book — whenever or however (and by whoever) it's published you'll get one hot off the press (and access to the blog too).

£30 or more

£30 Reward

A signed copy of book and access to Midge (the tour manager's) secret blog that the Jon and Danny can't see.

£40 or more

£40 Reward

Named in book 'contributors' list — you know, your name loving printed in the real book (and all the blogs and stuff).

£50 or more

£50 Reward

A postcard sent to you from each pier we make it to, with bon mots from the team —potentially 50 odd individual collectors items or postal artwork. And all the book and blog stuff.

£200 or more

£200 Reward

The gold standard…everything listed above, plus we'll pop round your house (in the UK) with 100 sticks of special Pier Review

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