Today we were alerted to a 14/16 week old cane corso puppy with a badly broken leg by our wonderful friends Mutts In Distress. The puppy was due to be pts, and we happen to have a wonderful Foster available. Unfortunately while Zella was awaiting his leg surgery he took a turn for the worst. Zella is now at the RVC. it has been found that Zella has a liver shunt. This has made him seriously unwell and its something he would have been born with. He now needs 2 major surgeries. This will come at a huge cost for both Heart and mutts. We will trying to raise a huge sum. Today alone the bill sits at 10k and we expect it to grow. Both Heart and Mutts will not put a price on his life. His just 4 months old. He has years ahead of him and we will do everything we can to make sure he has everything he needs.