"A Thin Line" is a compelling drama designed to spotlight the pervasive harassment issue in everyday workplaces and the devastating impact of a culture that turns a blind eye. Set within the fast-paced environment of a bar and grill, the story centres on Sophie, a young employee who becomes the target of unwanted attention from her head chef, David. While Sophie repeatedly seeks help, her concerns are dismissed by a management team that chooses to downplay her experiences, leaving her feeling isolated and vulnerable. Through this story, we aim to shed light on the complex, often ignored dynamics of harassment and complicity in professional settings, challenging viewers to confront the consequences of silence and inaction.
Our goal is to tell Sophie’s story and spark a much-needed conversation about boundaries, respect, and accountability in the workplace. By supporting "A Thin Line," we believe you are contributing to a vision that confronts these uncomfortable truths head-on, inspiring awareness and empathy. Your support has the potential to make a significant impact on our audience and the broader conversation about workplace harassment.
This project is particularly significant as it is our final major project for our university. To bring this vital work to life, we are seeking funding to cover essential production costs. The funds will be allocated toward food for our cast and crew during filming, ensuring everyone is nourished and energised as we work long hours. We will also use the money for travel expenses to secure key locations and facilitate transportation for our team. Props and set design are crucial to creating an authentic atmosphere that reflects the dynamics of the bar and grill setting; thus, a portion of the budget will be dedicated to acquiring these necessary items.
Additionally, we recognise the importance of investing in our talent. Better pay means better actors, which ensures that the story is told with authenticity and depth, allowing us to truly capture the emotional gravity of Sophie’s experience. Lastly, we must transport equipment safely and efficiently to various shooting locations, ensuring a smooth production process.
With your help, we can bring this timely and essential project to life—creating a drama that resonates deeply and provokes change. Thank you for considering supporting "A Thin Line." Together, we can make a difference in the conversation around workplace harassment and create a lasting impact on our audiences.