Youberry Productions - The Seagull

by Youberry Productions / Pivotal Performance Company in Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Youberry Productions - The Seagull

Total raised £870

£800 stretch target 30 days left
158% 31 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 17th March 2025 at 2:02am

Take our first piece of theatre, The Seagull, to Brighton Fringe and perform in The Rotunda; building our identity as a theatre company.

by Youberry Productions / Pivotal Performance Company in Portsmouth, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We are a collective who are currently studying upon the Level 4 professional Diploma in Performance at HSDC, and are looking to create our own theatre company and take our first show of The Seagull to Brighton Fringe to perform two shows... 

  • Brighton Fringe Festival Fee - £159 

  • Two performance rights for Martin Crimp’s version of The Seagull- £154 (inc. VAT) 

  • Two performances at The Rotunda - 65/35 profit share in our favour- £480 fee or 35% of takings- whichever is greater.  (£240 initial guarantee. The rest payable after event) 

Initial Outlay - £553 plus travel...

Venue hold 120 seats- 100% capacity @ £12 per show £1440. Maximum tickets sales £2880.  (50% Target of £1440 & 120 tickets sold over two shows)

EXAMPLE - 50 % target would mean Rotunda get 35% @ £504.  Leaving £936 for development. 

TARGET - £550 but £700 would allow us money for travel and set/props also... 

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