Take our first piece of theatre, The Seagull, to Brighton Fringe and perform in The Rotunda; building our identity as a theatre company.
by Youberry Productions / Pivotal Performance Company in Portsmouth, United Kingdom
We are a collective who are currently studying upon the Level 4 professional Diploma in Performance at HSDC, and are looking to create our own theatre company and take our first show of The Seagull to Brighton Fringe to perform two shows...
Brighton Fringe Festival Fee - £159
Two performance rights for Martin Crimp’s version of The Seagull- £154 (inc. VAT)
Two performances at The Rotunda - 65/35 profit share in our favour- £480 fee or 35% of takings- whichever is greater. (£240 initial guarantee. The rest payable after event)
Initial Outlay - £553 plus travel...
Venue hold 120 seats- 100% capacity @ £12 per show £1440. Maximum tickets sales £2880. (50% Target of £1440 & 120 tickets sold over two shows)
EXAMPLE - 50 % target would mean Rotunda get 35% @ £504. Leaving £936 for development.
TARGET - £550 but £700 would allow us money for travel and set/props also...