Universal Credit Migration Station

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Project by YES Brixham

Universal Credit Migration Station

Total raised £0

£5,000 target 18 days left
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YES Brixham offers free appointments to help guide members of the community through the transition onto Universal Credit,

YES Brixham is a grassroots community charity. Founded in 1996 YES has spent the last thirty years supporting the people of Brixham in many different ways. Our community hub is open Monday to Friday for drop-ins and appointments. 

We offer information and support which includes form filling and benefits advice, our friendly cafe offers hot food and drinks. YES Briixham is an independent foodbank with a self serve community fridge. YES Brixham manages several charities which we make available for tenants living in challenging circumstances. We are supported by a charity shop which offers a wonderful volunteering opportunity. YES Brixham offers a wide range of free-to-access community welcome projects which include an art club, IT support group, Young Volunteer Programe, Yoga, Dancersize, English as Foreign Language, and various Arts and Crafts clubs. Our small team works to meet the needs of the people who access our services, offering a safe and gentle environment for people to take the next steps in their lives.

The government has recently announced an end to legacy benefits, forcing people to migrate onto Universal Credit, this process is known as Migration.

YES Brixham is offering free appointments to those who may need additional help applying for UC, ensuring no gaps in their receipt of benefits. This process will help keep the people of Brixham, housed, fed and heated.

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If you make a donation of £25 or more we would love to offer you lunch and a guided your of our organisation. Come and meet the staff and learn firsthand about the many different ways we support the people of Brixham

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