World Challege 2026 Eswatini & Kruger

by Ewan Ansell in Eastleigh, England, United Kingdom

World Challege 2026 Eswatini & Kruger

Total raised £210

£4,000 target 15 days left
5% 5 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 23rd February 2025 at 12:55pm

Please help me grow, explore, and make a difference with this life-changing experience!

by Ewan Ansell in Eastleigh, England, United Kingdom

I’m travelling with a group of students from Thronden School on a World Challenge trip to Eswatini & Kruger in 2026. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone, experience a different culture, and develop new skills.

During the trip, we’ll camp in the stunning Ezulwini Valley and work with a Neighbourhood Care Point (NCP) to support vulnerable children by helping provide food, education, and care. We’ll also spend time in local villages, learning about traditional practices, customs, and ways of life, which will be an incredible cultural experience.

One of the biggest challenges will be trekking the 500m-deep Ngwempisi Gorge, which I’m both nervous and excited about! We’ll finish the trip with an unforgettable safari in Kruger National Park, where I hope to see Africa’s incredible wildlife, including the Big Five.

This trip is more than an adventure—it’s a chance for me to grow as a person by building confidence, resilience, and leadership skills. I’ll also gain a better understanding of how to contribute to a more sustainable future and my role in our global community.

To help fund this trip, I’m working hard to raise money through various activities, including a sponsored walk, running a stall at a summer fair, and hosting a quiz night. Your support would make a huge difference in helping me reach my goal, and I’m incredibly grateful for any contribution. Thank you so much for helping make this life-changing experience possible!


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