Your chance to win one of only 2,024 sets of the 2024 United Kingdom Premium Proof Coin Set. All monies raised will go to RSPB Scotland
by RSPB Scotland in Edinburgh, United Kingdom
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An exciting collaboration
The RSPB has worked closely with The Royal Mint throughout the design of the Nation’s New Currency, including the ‘definitive’ collection of eight new coins which will enter general circulation throughout 2024.
The coins feature iconic UK species of flora and fauna on their reverse – many of which are of great conservation concern. Both the Capercaillie and Puffin coins use RSPB imagery, and the RSPB are at the forefront of conservation efforts to protect all of the threatened species featured on the collection as well as their native habitats.
How this Prize Draw will help…
With the generous donation of this special prize from The Royal Mint we are able to raise much needed funds to carry out an extensive programme of forest restructuring over dozens of hectares of land.
Brimming with wildlife, Caledonian Pinewood forest is the UK’s only native pine forest. This iconic Scottish habitat has remained here since the last Ice Age. It provides a refuge for species such as the Scottish Crossbill, Twin Flower and Crested Tit and it is home for many of the special species featured on this new coin collection. Capercaillie forage for blaeberries on the forest floor, Red Squirrels jump amongst the canopy and Salmon benefit from the expansive trees providing shelter over the rivers.
Sadly, Caledonian Pinewoods have suffered from centuries of careless human activity.
Ancient trees were felled for timber, and excessive animal grazing stymied natural regeneration. Non-native, invasive species like Sitka Spruce were imported and packed in as tightly as possible for profit, choking out other native trees and lower-growing plants. But the RSPB are committed to repairing this damage and revitalising this unique ecosystem.
All proceeds raised from this prize draw will go directly to forest restructuring. This involves planting new trees, creating deadwood and ensuring light throughout the forest – all essential to the long-term sustainability of a natural, native forest.
Thank you to The Royal Mint for making this possible.