Wiltshire Greens - General Election 2024 Funds

by Wiltshire Greens : in Chippenham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Wiltshire Greens - General Election 2024 Funds
We did it
On 9th July 2024 we successfully raised £1,858 with 46 supporters in 42 days

We are standing 4 Green Candidates in 4 Wiltshire constituencies because everyone should be able to vote Green.

by Wiltshire Greens : in Chippenham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

Wiltshire Green Party

have great candidates ready and willing to stand in all four of the new constituencies across Wiltshire.(Chippenham, East Wiltshire, Melksham & Devizes and South Cotswolds) to campaign for Real Hope and Real Change

Its not that easy. We need to raise £2,000 by the end of June to pay for the general election deposits of our candidates. Its so important that people in Wiltshire have the opportunity to vote Green, or we risk losing that voice.

Its crucial we raise these funds now. Thousands of people voted green across Wiltshire at the last election and will be able to do so again to send a message that we want a Greener Wiltshire.

Every vote, everywhere, including your vote for the Green Party translates into funding for elected Green MPs.

If we save our deposit, by securing 5% of the vote, we can spend this again on local elections 2025 to make a Green breakthrough onto Wiltshire Council.  

Our Candidates

Declan Baseley 1716824021_dec_bandstand_photo_2.jpg


'I will be a voice fighting for progressive change and a fairer, more sustainable future for everyone'

1716823583__dsc5451.jpgCatherine Read  


'I will campaign for more investment in the NHS to deliver services for the people of Wiltshire' 

1716823960_emily_img_3924.jpgEmily Herbert

Wiltshire East

'I want to make it easier for people to live and work comfortably and sustainably in Wiltshire'

1716831811_bob_photo.jpgBob Eastoe 

South Cotswolds

'I will use my sustainability, financial and operational leadership in accelerating the country’s zero carbon target to meet its national objective' 


If 200 people gave just £10, we would reach our target. Please help us today by chipping in £10, or whatever you can afford, to help us get over the line.

P.S. Because we're a political party 

We're required to run electoral register checks from people making donations above £500, and if you donate over £1,500 during a year, we are required to let the Electoral Commission know, who will make this available on their website. All donations go to general Green Party funds. 

Promoted by Arthur McAuley on behalf of Wiltshire Green Party c/o Haverstock, Malmesbury Road, Minety, Wiltshire SN16 9QX


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£25 or more

£25 Reward

This is a real help towards standing a candidate

£50 or more

£50 Reward

This pays 10% of a green candidates deposit

£75 or more

£75 Reward

£75 is a major help towards a deposit

£100 or more

£100 Reward

This pays 20% of the deposit-thankyou

£500 or more

£500 Reward

This funds a whole deposit - massively helpful

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