We're still collecting donations
On the 3rd April 2021 we'd raised £720 with 15 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Completing the funding for a defibrillator, replacement for the tractor, replace the netting for the nets, purchasing a new sight screen
by Whimple cricket club in Whimple, England, United Kingdom
On the 3rd April 2021 we'd raised £720 with 15 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
We are lucky to receive fantastic support from the village and the local community and we know that the Cricket Club is an important hub for so many people for sport, meeting up with friends, and attending events.
We were able to get some cricket played in 2020, even though there was no official league. Unfortunately, we were unable to hold our fundraising events or private hire functions at the club. Our income last year was along way short of what we need to sustain the Cricket Club.
We have also had to face unexpected costs. We finally had to say goodbye to the club tractor and have had to replace this with a new, albeit second-hand, mower. The wooden sightscreen that has been fixed more times than Whimple players have scored runs, will not last for another season and we need to replace the netting around our nets. All of that is before our annual costs of insurance and maintenance to be ready for the season.
While we plan to hold events this summer, including a music festival on September 11th and Bonfire night on November 6th, we cannot yet be sure that these will happen as we hope.
We are asking for any help and donations to support the club, however small. Your donation will help fund the costs for the items above and will also complete our funding for a Defibrillator to be permanently located at the club, benefitting all those who use the facility.
Thank-you for your support and here’s to 2021!
This project offered rewards