West Devon Greens - keeping up the impetus

by Mark Foster in Yelverton, , United Kingdom

West Devon Greens - keeping up the impetus

Total raised £280

£1,000 target 11 days left
28% 8 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 4th February 2025 at 12:52pm

Despite global political bombshells it's not too late to make a difference locally. Support our campaign for Greens on Devon County Council.

by Mark Foster in Yelverton, , United Kingdom

Greens gaining influence

After our stunning successes in the General Election now is the moment for the Green Party to take off. With four MPs in Parliament we've quadrupled our presence - and can hold the Government to account on the issues that really matter - like climate change and a fairer community.

Of course a lot has changed since July 4th. The gloss is starting to come off the new Labour government. The Middle East has become an even more fragile powder keg. And with Trump and his hawks sharpening their talons ready for power, those who care about a fair and green society are preparing to defend their principles with determination.

Effecting change locally

Many may feel that within this tempestuous global political landscape it's hard to make a difference in terms of the environment and society. 

But locally it's a quite different picture.

The West Devon Greens are offering  people a genuine chance to make a difference to the world on their doorstep. And remember that global change always has its seeds in local action.

With the County Council elections coming up next year, we are in with a real chance of getting Green Councillors in a position of influence. The fact that the country voted four Green MPs into parliament in the summer shows there's a hunger for policies that support a fairer, greener society.

Money is not a dirty word

While it doesn't all come down to money, finances will always play a big part in politics, local or otherwise. And that's where you can make all the difference.

Many people donate their time and skills for free to support local Green candidates. But we still need to find the money for posters, flyers and other campaigning materials to get our message across in all four West Devon divisions: Hatherleigh & Chagford, Yelverton Rural, Tavistock and Okehampton Rural.

Please donate what you can

Any amount can make a difference but the more you give the more we can do.

Thank you.

P.S. Because we're a political party we're required to run electoral register checks from people making donations above £500, and if you donate over £1,500 during a year, we're required to let the Electoral Commission know, who will make this available on their website. All donations go to general campaigning funds.

Promoted by Mark Foster on behalf of West Devon Green Party, both at Little Oaks, Rumleigh, Devon PL20 7HN

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