Weʼre raising £500 to go digital at Westfield!

by Friends of Westfield in Weymouth, England, United Kingdom

Weʼre raising £500 to go digital at Westfield!

Total raised £501

raised so far

+ est. £104.50 Gift Aid



Help the Arts at Westfield to go digital and showcase our amazing work!

by Friends of Westfield in Weymouth, England, United Kingdom

At Westfield Arts College we have some very talented children and we produce some amazing Performing and Creative Arts work in Drama, Music, IT and Art. Since lockdown we have struggled to be able to do this and to share it with an audience. Even after Covid the need for our student's work to be showcased to as wide an audience as possible will remain.

We have decided that we would like to raise money to update our equipment within the Arts department. We would like to create a media suite of four computers which would allow Westfield students to learn new skills such as animation, film editing and creating Art on an iPad; students could film and edit performances to be aired digitally. This new equipment would mean that our student's amazing work could reach a much wider community via Arts Festivals, our website and Social Media. Our work would be available to everyone digitally!

We are also very lucky to have very motivated students and staff! Jack, one of our Year 11 students, is planning to walk 156 miles between now and the end of Year 11. He's going to use any spare time he has at school to walk! Louie, one of the Year 11 Teaching Assistants is going to walk with him! Some days they will walk in the sunshine, some rainy days they will walk laps of the sports hall!

***Update!  Unfortunately Jack has injured his knee so is struggling to walk - however his amazing classmates have decided to help!  Zak will be attempting some marathon walks with his Dad on weekends, Les, Dean/James and Luke will be running/walking laps of the football pitch every day to make up the miles!  Keep an eye on Westfield social media for regular updates!

It would be wonderful if you were able to support them  to raise the money and help us to celebrate our student's work with a wider community. Follow their progress on the Westfield Facebook page and Website.

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