Warwickshire gin Company - WHO Hand Sanitiser

by Warwickshire Gin Company in Radford Semele, England, United Kingdom

Warwickshire gin Company - WHO Hand Sanitiser

Total raised £210

raised so far



Help enable WGC to provide FREE hand sanitiser to those that need it most. Funds will also enable bulk purchases of raw materials.

by Warwickshire Gin Company in Radford Semele, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 14th May 2020 we'd raised £210 with 5 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

2020 promised to deliver so much for The Warwickshire Gin Company!  like many of you, we had set targets and goals which we wanted to achieve personally, and with our fledgling business. Some of you may know that 2020 is the year we are opening our distillery for our customers to come along to partake in the process of producing their own gin!  (Hopefully this will still happen, albeit a little later in the year than expected!!)

Covid-19 has changed everything for all of us, we are all living a very different life which none of us could have imagined only a short time ago..... 

Similarly to a number of distilleries across the UK who are re-purposing their skills and expertise from distilling gin to producing much needed Hand Sanitiser! 

I'm please to be able to share with you that we The Warwickshire Gin Company, will imminently begin production of alcohol based hand sanitiser!

We have scrapped together enough money to purchasing a small amount of stock, labels, bottles, materials and handling equipment to facilitate this project.

Our new goals & targets for this summer is to be able to donate to our community and everyone who is vulnerable, working in care homes, mobile care workers, charity workers, delivery drivers and of course our heroes in the NHS with as much free Hand Sanitiser as we can produce. Sadly we don't have the funds to sustain free Hand Sanitiser for a long enough period. 

Hopefully this is where you guys can help support you community by making a donation to the cause. We do understand, that we all have to watch our pennies at this uncertain time and therefore any amount of money you are able to donate is greatly received & 100% of donations will contribute to the production of Hand Sanitiser for our amazing Key workers. 

In addition to your donations, We do have a number local business who are happy to purchase our Hand Sanitiser at a sensible price, and utilise within their own organisations.  With local business & community donations we could provide a significant volume of product to those in Warwickshire who are key frontline workers.

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity and support we have received from our new landlords (The Arches Co.) who have given us the use of an industrial unit free of charge, to facilitate the storage for bulk purchases of materials for 12 months.  Thank you also to the team at Primark and Emma Heathcote- James founder - Little Soap Company who have helped us source bottles with lids and dispensing bottles, during time of a national shortage.

Please help us finance this initiative to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and protect those that are on the frontline and to keep Warwickshire moving forward step by step & day by day. .

You buy it - we can make and distribute it.

Cheers - stay safe

Lots of Love from

Ellie & Dave

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£10 or more

£10 Donation

Spare us a tenner to help us provide a few bottles/dispensers of sanitiser to local key workers and charities.

£25 or more

£25 Donation

Pledge £25 which will provide a local charity with 3 litres of hand sanitiser to keep their team safe and support the vulnerable in our community.

£50 or more

£50 FUTURE...

Pledge £50 this requires a big hug (when this is over) your pledge will keep many hand clean and protect key workers from infection whilst keeping us all safe.

£100 or more

£100 Reward

Pledge £100 today and we'll reward you with a Philosophers Daughter Gift Set. You are just awesome!!!

£150 or more

£150 Reward

WGC will thank you with gin!! One bottle (50cl) of Philosopher Daughter Dry Gin will be delivered to you. Your generosity will be mentioned in our social media posts of donations - lets make the history books demonstrate we did everything we could - together!!!

Show your support

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