I want to do two things
1) Help my dad with living costs during these hugely uncertain times
We are back and forth to the hospital and irs very expensive . Dad has had to retire early as a result of his illness, he has no income other than a basic pension . He had prostate cancer 7 years ago and when he was going through that he lost his home so currently lives with me . He really has been dealt some bad cards and I want to show him there’s still hope and still good in the world
2) I would also like to by some nice flowers/ pots for the very small outdoor balcony on ward C35 at Wolverhampton New Cross. This ward is for cancer patients and the tiny outdoor area has been a saviour to my dad ,he would of gone stir crazy without it , however it is so worn down, the plants are all dead , there is limited seating , it just needs to be better for the patients who are going through hell every day