Walk The Walk for Sustainability in May

by Beatlie School in Livingston, Scotland, United Kingdom

Walk The Walk for Sustainability in May
We did it
On 29th May 2024 we successfully raised £380 with 18 supporters in 28 days

For the walking month of May we will be taking a 360 mile virtual walk around Lake Malawi to purchase Portable Solar Panels for each class.

by Beatlie School in Livingston, Scotland, United Kingdom

For the month of May all pupils and staff will be waling every day to raise funds to try and purchase portable solar panels that can be used in each class to charge our class I Pads.

We aim to get the solar panels from the charity Solar Aid who will give light to rural Africa for every purchase we make.

 We will be supporting our young people to participate and experience throughout the month by:

  • introducing different animals or foods we might find along our route – show pictures/watch films/read books/go on a ‘Hunt’, a walk with ‘Handa’ and find surprises or a ‘Listening Walk’ when out walking
  • We will Link to art activities – animals or fruit we might find along the route
  • We will Link to messy play activities – natural resources, sand, water, foods
  • We will link to cooking/snack - fruits
  • We will also incorporate Outdoor Learning opportunities as part of outdoor learning month: Eco, PE, Literacy, Numeracy

Learning for Sustainability is an entitlement for all learners within the  Curriculum for Excellence  and both the  UN Sustainable Development Goals  and  UNCRC  are central to our school’s vision. 

  •  Outdoor Learning – Taking young people’s learning outdoors, connecting them with nature and biodiversity and offering fun, active and adventurous experiences which offer new perspectives and a sense of place.   
  •  Global Citizenship – Strengthening the awareness and connection that young people require to engage with local, national and global challenges.   
  •  Sustainable Development Education – Developing young people’s knowledge and understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals, enabling them to participate in activities and highlight what actions we can take to reduce inequality and create a more just and equitable society through sharing our achievements on our social media platform.   
  •  Climate Change - Equipping and enabling young people with the knowledge, skills and experiences required to take action that contributes to reducing and reversing the effects of climate change.   


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