Vote Green in Runcorn & Helsby

by Iain Ferguson in Runcorn, Borough of Halton, United Kingdom

Vote Green in Runcorn & Helsby
We did it
On 5th July 2024 we successfully raised £50 with 1 supporters in 35 days

Our aim is to raise funds to allow Chris Copeman to stand as a Green Party candidate in Runcorn & Helsby.

by Iain Ferguson in Runcorn, Borough of Halton, United Kingdom

Join us in raising funds to see more Greens on the ballot paper than ever before at the general election.  We all know time is short with just weeks until we can choose a new government.  Like you, we want a government focussed on the issues that matter to us all; addressing the growing gap between rich and poor, the cost of living crisis, and of course, the damage being done to our precious planet.  We have an incredible candidate prepared to challenge, disrupt and speak the truth. For each Green candidate on the ballot paper, we need to place a £500 deposit. Can you help us to ensure we give everyone in the Runcorn & Helsby area the opportunity to vote Green?  If we can raise a total above this target, we will use further funds to campaign in the run up to the election.

The Green voice is more important than ever, please help us by contributing whatever you can afford to get our general election campaigns underway.   

Did you know about 'Short Money'? 

Every vote the Greens gain at the general election means Greens in parliament are allocated a greater slice of 'Short Money'.  This is government funding for opposition MPs to aid them in completing parliamentary business.   A Green vote is never wasted as it translates into more Short Money for the parliamentary Green Party.   For more information about this, click here. 


  • Your donation will help locally to get a Green candidate on the ballot.
  • All the votes received by our candidates at the general election translate into government funding for Green MPs in the next parliament, regardless of where they hail from geographically.
  • If our candidates are able to retain their deposit, those funds come back to us and will help us strengthen our work here in Runcorn & Helsby. 

The Green Party is different - we don't take money from corporate sponsors but look to a wide network of supporters from all communities. We rely entirely on the kind donations of people like yourselves...  Are you with us?  

For climate justice and social equality - Donate now 

P.S. Because we're a political party 

We're required to run electoral register checks from people making donations above £500, and if you donate over £1,500 during a year, we are required to let the Electoral Commission know, who will make this available on their website. Donations go to the local Warrington & Halton Green Party.  

Promoted by Iain Ferguson on behalf of Chris Copeman (Green Party), both at 3 Norton Lane, Runcorn, WA7 2PR.  

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