Mikey's Wish is an organisation which is committed to raising awareness of speech apraxia with a particular focus on children.
One of Violets great grandchildren, Gabriel has speech apraxia. It is a neurological speech disorder which means that those who like Gabriel, have difficulty making precise movements for speech. At the age of four, Gabriel could only say 10 words.
Learning to talk is a slow and can be a demoralising and frustrating process for a child and requires intense sessions of speech therapy and because due to poor funding as a country we are 25,000 therapists short to cater for all who need help, there is a real dangers children like Gabriel could be left behind.
After years of trying, Gabriel has been able to get therapy but it was incredibly slow. Mikey's Wish are doing all they can by campaigning and hopefully soon having enough money to help provide therapy to those who needs it most, so this does not happen and no child is left behind.
Any donations will be gratefully received