by Mohammad hafiz alfarzan in London, England, United Kingdom

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My cat Vinnie has a liver shunt and needs emergency surgery in order to survive.

by Mohammad hafiz alfarzan in London, England, United Kingdom

1713480693_7a5a07ad-ff16-46ad-bac8-46958d99427f.jpegHi my name is Hafiz, my family cat Vinnie needs urgent surgery. He has a portosystemic shunt aka PSS. A portosystemic shunt (PSS) is an abnormal connection between the portal vascular system and systemic circulation. Blood from the abdominal organs, which should be drained by the portal vein into the liver, is instead shunted to the systemic circulation by the PSS or shunting vessel. Vinnie currently drools excessively, has a loss of appetite and sometimes is very lethargic, due to having PSS. The vet said that surgery is the best option quick, there are risks involved but there are also positives where Vinnie could live a normal, healthy life. The vet said the surgery could cost upwards of 10k and money for post surgery care as well. I know times are very tough at the moment but even if it’s £1, please donate, my family is very emotional and upset at the moment, we had Vinnie since last year and he’s part of the family now, we can’t bear to lose him

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