Short Film/Documentary Budget

by Matthew Riley in Gloucester, England, United Kingdom

Short Film/Documentary Budget

Total raised £0

£3,000 target 5 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 24th September 2024 at 8:37am

I want to raise a basic budget to be able to create a short film/Documentary about the skate park community

by Matthew Riley in Gloucester, England, United Kingdom

I am a keen photographer and videographer and i have the ambition to create and produce a short film/Documentary about a local skatepark, the community and the opportunity that is within the skatepark. 

I aim to work with individuals and the community as a whole at the skatepark to produce something that reflects the community as best as possible and represent the and hopefully encourage the skatepark sports. 

I hope that i can encourage a positive view on Skatepark sports and the community behind my local skateparks and those further a field

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