Ukraine Humanitarian Rescue Team

by Leo Chapman in Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom

Total raised £1,755

raised so far



To raise funds so that we can buy a fleet of EX MOD field Ambulances and vital wartime trauma kits, to deliver them directly to Ukraine

by Leo Chapman in Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom

1647354462_pic_2_field_ambulance_.jpgI am a Metropolitan Police Constable who values life and has respect for life, my mission has always been to protect and save the most vulnerable. I am in coms with the right people to supply the equipment needed. all we need is the funds.

I am raising money so that we can buy a fleet of EX MOD field Ambulances along with support vehicles and vital wartime trauma kits. These vehicles are vital in order to save the lives of many vulnerable Ukrainians who are stuck in remote places in Ukraine. It is a warzone out there, a hostile place where the Russians are bombing every day and every night, the ground has been churned and spat out making the terrain hard to manoeuvre and it will get worse.


The Ukrainians need heavy-duty ambulances like this to manoeuvre over tuff terrain in order to get to people who are cut off from supply lines, many are fleeing to train stations reluctantly leaving their homeland in the hope that they can return to a place of peace someday. However, there are many who cannot move due to, mobility, disability, or sickness. They are trapped, waiting for help that might not come or is delayed due to political madness from governments from around the world who are not willing to cross a line. Every moment we delay is a life lost. A decision made tomorrow is a decision we could have made today.

I will upload videos on the progress of achieving this goal showing everyone where their money goes. When we have raised what is needed I will personally deliver the goods with volunteers to the Ukrainian border so that we know that it goes from A to B and that no one profits from it.  

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