Twelfth Night Fever

by More The Merrier in Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom

Twelfth Night Fever
We did it
On 14th June 2024 we successfully raised £4,320 with 26 supporters in 56 days

Help More The Merrier take Twelfth Night Fever on tour to the Edinburgh Fringe this summer

by More The Merrier in Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom

We are asking for your support for a school trip to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August this year to perform our highly acclaimed production of Twelfth Night Fever, a modernised, musicalised adaptation of Shakespeare’s gender-bending comedy. 

Below you will find a brief description of our school and a link if you would like to read more:

“Nationally celebrated, for eighty years More House has empowered bright boys who might struggle in mainstream schools, to transform their futures and to realise their true potential. The largest school of its kind in Britain, More House offers a full range of specialist support, particularly for boys with specific learning and language-based difficulties, including Dyslexia, Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). More House School provides full boarding, weekly boarding and day places.”

More House School

We recently staged Twelfth Night Fever for family and friends of the school, and it was so well received that we decided we should share it with a wider audience… and so the idea of taking our production to the world’s largest arts festival, the Edinburgh Fringe, was born. Our students have put such a huge amount of energy in to create this wonderful show and we would like to give them the opportunity to experience performing on a bigger stage.

We feel that Twelfth Night Fever will highlight the benefits that students with neurodiversity gain from performing, and showcase the talent that so often remains undiscovered. There are students in the production who have been on an extraordinary journey to achieve the confidence and skills to perform at this level.

The trip will not happen without the energy and enthusiasm of the teachers and students who are taking part – as actors, dancers and crew. Unfortunately, energy and enthusiasm by themselves are not enough, and the trip will cost a considerable amount to happen. Approximately £5,000 must be raised towards expenses, which include venue hire, transport, accommodation, and marketing.

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