Turtle Field Skill Training Manual

by Timothy McCormack in Vietnam

Total raised £1,310

raised so far

+ est. £97.50 Gift Aid



To make a free resource providing students in Southeast Asia with practical guidance on turtle field skills, techniques and knowledge.

by Timothy McCormack in Vietnam

We're still collecting donations

On the 3rd July 2020 we'd raised £1,220 with 32 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

We are the Asian Turtle Program (ATP) of Indo Myanmar Conservation (IMC), a Vietnamese-based NGO registered in Vietnam and the UK.

ATP aims to establish a safe and sustainable future for Asian tortoises and freshwater turtles and ensure that no further turtle species become extinct in the region.

We are asking for your help to raise money for turtle conservation and education in Vietnam. Over the last few decades, ATP/IMC has been running an annual 'Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Field Skill Training Course' for young national biologists and conservationists in Vietnam and neighbouring countries.

The course has been successful and has seen many ex-students come into the conservation sector and do some excellent work. Unfortunately, one thing we have always missed is a comprehensive manual with practical guidance to give to students.

We have produced a field skill training manual for young conservationists and biologists, in two languages (to begin with), Vietnamese and English. Your donations are needed to help publish, print and distribute to those who need it in Vietnam.

By pledging money, you will help us to print and give one copy in Vietnamese which will be donated to local students, and if you choose, another copy in English to be delivered to you, wherever you are.

PLEASE NOTE: if you donate anonymously, we can't see your details and can't send you an English copy if you want one!


This project offered rewards

£5 or more

£5 Reward

An electronic thank you from ATP/IMC; a PDF copy of the manual (this is also offered free without a donation)

£10 or more

£10 Reward

All rewards from previous level; PLUS the good karma of distributing a free printed copy of the Vietnamese training manual to a student or young conservationist in Vietnam

£25 or more

£25 Reward

All rewards from previous level; PLUS a printed copy of the English language training manual posted to you (please note, postage includes Europe and the USA; for some countries, we might have to contact you for additional postage fees but we want to ship as global as possible).

£50 or more

£50 Reward

All rewards from previous level; PLUS a second copy of the English language training manual; and a certificate of support

£100 or more

£100 Reward

All rewards from previous level; PLUS an ATP Hat

£250 or more

£250 Reward

All rewards from previous level; PLUS a three more copies (total 5) of the English language training manual

£500 or more

£500 Reward

All rewards from previous level; PLUS an ATP t-shirt of your choice (message us with your chosen size - check www.asianturtleprogram.org for colour/size details)

£1,000 or more

£1000 Reward

All rewards from previous level; PLUS an extra 5 (total 10) copies of the English language training manual; a VIP tour of the Turtle Conservation Centre in Cuc Phuong National Park with our team (please note, you will have to make your own way to Vietnam and to the centre)

£1,500 or more

£1500 Reward

All rewards from previous level; PLUS your logo or name included in the printed version of the training manual (please note, the deadline for this would be the 25th of June for the English language and The 31st of July for the Vietnamese language of the training manual

Show your support

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