I have been in the security industry for 19 years and throughout this time have undergone many different qualifications to help within my job, in this I gained my accreditation to teach, On shadowing others and observing the people around me in work, teaching is different for everyone, while some people are books and theory learners others like myself are hands on and practical learners.
within Trinity Centre I want to open a training centre / community which will allow everyone to be included, Having a different teaching outlet to the main stream learning. I want to be able to provide a whole range of experiences and techniques.
This includes full technology department
A social cafe- which allows those who may not be able to work in a mainstream job, giving independence and work experience.
Events to allow others to feel included in society
Training for all in a wide variety of courses
Groups aimed at autism / adhd which are sensory and socially oriented
A space to be able to hire to community groups
An auditorium space for presentations and seminars.
We also aim to run fundraising events for various organisations in which myself or team are connected too.
This will in fact cost about £60,000 which includes rent. Insurance, equipment, supplies, licences, advertising and promotional events.
I am hoping to be able to raise the funds to help with creating an environment which is welcoming to everyone and can be a community for everyone, this is why I have set this up to generate awareness and a safe environment for the community to use.
Awareness Over Assumptions