We're still collecting donations
On the 2nd June 2020 we'd raised £1,017 with 50 supporters in 14 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
For years I've been releasing music in collaboration with others. I'm hoping with your help I can release my first record independently.
by Tom Spirals in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
On the 2nd June 2020 we'd raised £1,017 with 50 supporters in 14 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
If I raise Extra money from this campaign i will put it directly into the release for the E.P and promote the records.
I have been making music for the last 15 years ,and as well as working hard on the touring circuit, i've have released various videos, CDs and digital projects. I've been lucky enough to feature on some great physical records too, but I've always been held back from pressing my own music to wax by the financial aspect.
I am a fully independent artist and this funding would allow me to take my release to the next level - giving me the chance to share a beautiful physical version of my work for all the vinyl lovers out there. Right now in a world where streaming is king and all gigs are cancelled being able to offer something we can hold on to seems more important than ever.
The Ashram Express is the first release I've produced completely myself and was originally planned for digital release only. One month before the original release date, the EP has been garnering support and plays from some of the world's biggest soundsystem crews such as OBF, Dubstuy and Sinai Soundsystem, and I have been inspired to take a leap of faith, give this project the biggest boost I can and aim for a physical release!
Thanks alot for reading this and know that all support is so massively appreciated from the bottom of my heart. .
This project offered rewards