To support my family

by Serdal gultekin in London, England, United Kingdom

To support my family

Total raised £0

£100,000 target 15 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 22nd February 2025 at 1:55am

Hi I am an unemployed person I can’t work due to my disability and I need your help to support my family Thank you

by Serdal gultekin in London, England, United Kingdom


my name is serdal I am 45 years old 

I used to work very hard but for the last few years I am unemployed can’t work anymore due to my health.

Because of this I cannot support my family anymore we’re renting and struggling financially some days we can’t afford to buy food to eat.

I would be very grateful to everyone that can help me financially to support my family 

Thank you 🙏 

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