To end decades long pain in the butt.

by Lily in Nuneaton, England, United Kingdom

To end decades long pain in the butt.

Total raised £0

£20,000 target 34 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 14th March 2025 at 9:24am

Oye all good people, I'm raising money to eliminate a health issue that stops me from living and achieving my goals and peace.

by Lily in Nuneaton, England, United Kingdom

It's a teeth issue. Always problems with them. Never been able to smile. Since I was 11. I'm three decades older now. For years the solution has been to just clean it all up and replace the all stack. I am in this vicious cycle of not being able to go out and make it happen cause of the horrible self esteem due to my teeth and yet wanting to built myself up career wise but can't make myself go on full force. Everything  is prepared and I just can't make myself go on. As a high functioning autistic and adhd person, I cant go very personal in my open request cause I wouldn't be able to handle the attention but I can communicate behind the scenes. Please help me to end this . I want a life and laugh with my mouth open over my stupid jokes and most of all , I would like to smile to my children. I cant be serious anymore.

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